St Saviour C of E Primary School

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Fold Rd, Radcliffe, Manchester, M26 1EU


St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

    1. News
    2. PTA
    3. A Message from the PTA

    A Message from the PTA

    14 May 2024 (by admin)

    Thanks to all our volunteers & sponsors!

    This year we have raised a total of £10,688.00.  This has helped to fund:

    31 new Ipads, Year 6 Hoodies, Chip Kendall, Twinkl Subscription, Coaches for school trips, Coach for the Choir, School Fish Tank, Rock Kidz, Class Christmas Presents.

    We need you to help us plan and run another year of successful events, create great memories for our children & fund exciting new projects.  This year we would like to fund new chairs to increase the capacity in the hall at school performances.

    If you can help, or want more information please contact  Our next meeting is 14th May via teams, everyone is welcome, we are planning the summer BBQ