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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Archived Class Closure Work
  2. 2019 2020 Closure Work
  3. Year 5

Year 5





Hello Year 5,

I hope you are all staying safe and well at home. I am looking forward to meeting you in person in the classroom, but until then I will continue to put work on here every day for you to do.

You will need to send your work in to a different email address now:


Please do not use the year 5 email address as I am unable to access it and your work will not be seen. If you have any questions, please email me and I will respond as soon as I can. 

We will still be using the following websites:

 Please get in touch if you cannot remember your log-in details.


These websites are also useful:

Don't forget, you can do PE with Joe Wicks every day online. He does it live every day at 9am but you can watch it anytime of the day.


Take care of yourselves

Mrs Smallwood



Mental Health and Well-being

We are all having to cope with different and strange circumstances at the moment, and it is important that we look after our own mental health as well as that of our children.  

We have been sent some documents which give ideas to help support you and your families. One of them is designed to help children who are already being supported so please do not be put off by the heading. These are suggestions that could benefit any one. I have also included the letter from the school nurses which is on the home page. This gives the number that you can contact if you feel you would like to talk to someone about your child. 

Chathealth messaging service - School nurses

Supporting children during lockdown

Bolton Educational Psychology Service newsletter 24.4.20  Looking after yourself and others

                                                                                            30.4.20 Talking to children about coronavirus

                                                                                               7.5.20 Playing and having fun whilst staying at home

                                                                                             21.5.20 Preparing children for a return to school

                                                                                       May 2020 Helping children who have literacy difficulties

                                                                                      May 2020 Helping children with working memory difficulties

                                                                                            18.6.20 Helping children who have anxiety

                                                                                            25.6.20 Helping children with maths


The choir songs are here so you can keep practising them. Hopefully you will get to sing them later in the year.

Choir songs

Week beginning Monday 13th July

Hello year 5! I cannot believe we have reached the final week of the school year and we are still homeschooling. I was really looking forward to meeting you all but at least I will still get to see you in September when you are in year 6. You will have to wave to me on the playground! 

I have given you an activity which asks about your memories of year 5. It is on the plan for Friday but of course you can do this at any time during the week. It would be lovely if everyone sent this to me so that I can put them all in a final gallery next weekend. You could then share your memories with everyone in the class, and probably read about some things that you had forgotten about. I hope that you have enjoyed being in year 5, and I would like to wish you all the very best for year 6. Keep on being the lovely class that I have heard so much about.

Have a lovely summer. 

Mrs S x

Mrs Angold has created a game for you called Save St Saviours. You need to check your 2email and then go into your to dos. Have fun!

Weekly overview

Spellings: Monday         Tuesday      Wednesday     Thursday        Friday

Mad Maths Minutes

Fractions maze

Space crossword

French: powerpoint      lyrics       song


Multiplication colouring

Times tables challenges      Answers

Memories of year 5

Our gallery for last week.

Week beginning Monday 6th July

Hello! I hope you have had a lovely week and weekend. Thank you for your emails and photos - see below in the gallery. There is also another great film made by Zee for you to watch. Callum has also made one which I am trying to put on here but it is not playing at the moment.  I will keep trying. I was pleased to hear that some of you had watched the film Rio, and really got into the carnival spirit! Have a lovely week.

Weekly overview

Spellings: Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday          Thursday          Friday

Mad Maths Minutes



Times Tables challenges            Answers


This week's gallery includes more baking, maths, English, art and topic.

Also, Sam, wearing a great birthday T-shirt! I hope you had a lovely day Sam.

Week beginning Monday 29th June

Hello again Year 5! Can you believe it is nearly the end of June already? I hope you are all safe and well. There are lots of photos to look at this week in the gallery (see below). I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed making (and eating) the crepes and madeleines. It is lovely to see your photos so please keep sending them. I hope you are still enjoying the music lessons as well. We had fun in year 6 last week doing the cup song!

Adults: I have added the latest newsletter above which has some great suggestions for doing maths at home. 

This week we are using a different source for our maths lessons so that you do not need to print anything. There is a video to watch for each lesson and all the answers can be written on a piece of paper. There is also a quiz which you do at the start and end of each lesson, so you can send me your scores to let me know how you got on. All the instructions are on the website and I have also written some guidance on this week's overview. Please let me know how you get on with it.

I hope you have a lovely week. Mrs S x

Weekly overview

Spellings: Group 1          Group 2             Wordsearch

Mad Maths Minutes

Topic: Carnival powerpoint              Carnival masks                  Samba band powerpoint                 Photo of costumes


Times Tables Challenges        Answers


This week's gallery is full of poems, maths, D&T, topic, baking, PSHE, art, book reviews and even Eric Morecambe! Can you spot who is giving him a high five?

Week beginning Monday 22nd June

Hello Year 5! How are you? I hope you didn't get too wet last week with all that rain that we had. Thank you again for your emails and photos. I will add to the gallery below as the week progresses as I have not yet had chance to look at all the photos that have come over the weekend. 

I hope you are finding the BBC lessons easy to follow. Please let me know if not.

Adults: Another two newsletters have been added to the Mental Health and Well-being section above. They both have some very useful suggestions: one for helping children who may be feeling anxious, and one for helping children who have difficulties with their working memory. 

I hope you have a lovely week in the sunshine when we get it.

Weekly overview

Spellings: Group 1          Group 2         Word map          Wordsearch

Mad maths minutes


RE powerpoint

Times Tables Challenges         Answers



This week's gallery

Week beginning Monday 15th June

Hello Year 5! Another week begins...  I hope you are all well. Thank you for your emails and photos, some of which are in this week's gallery below.

I have added the latest newsletters above from Bolton Educational Psychology Service. One has advice for preparing children when we do return to school, and the second has advice for working with children who have difficulties with literacy.

Adults: this week's English lessons include some clips from You Tube, so you might want to look at the content first, or watch them with your child.

I have put some extra colouring sheets at the bottom of the resources for those of you who like colouring. Lots of adults find it a relaxing activity as well.

I hope you have a lovely week.

Weekly overview

Spellings: Group 1        Group 2          Wordsearch

English: Tuesday          Wednesday            Thursday              Friday        Powerpoint

Topic: Powerpoint          World map       Brazil map        Factsheet          My school day


Times Tables challenge          Answers


Mindfulness colouring sheets

This week's gallery includes some lovely art work. Keep sending me your photos as I love to see what you have been doing. Well done to Callum who has been earning some money painting fences.

Week beginning Monday 8th June

Plans have changed since I wrote this and we are not now opening today for reception, year 1 and year 6. This means that for now, I will be able to respond to emails, unless i am in school with children of key workers.

 Hello Year 5! How are you all? I hope you are all well and have had a lovely break. Please have a look at the gallery below to see what people got up to before the half term holiday. Charlie had a visit from someone at Manchester United and he is going to be playing there for another year. Well done Charlie! Bella did some fantastic origami, and there are some lovely diary entries showing how life has changed during lockdown. 

This half term, work will be set out on a weekly basis rather than daily, as all staff will be working in school every day with Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and children of key workers. 

I will still save your work in your file and still put a gallery of photos on here each week, so please continue to send them to me. If you have any problems or feedback, please email me and I will respond when I can, but it may not be immediate.

The overview is for the whole week. The first page is for English and maths, then topic and foundation subjects are on the second page. I will put any extra sheets and resources that you need below the overview as before. You will see these written in red on the overview. We are going to use more of the BBC Bitesize lessons this week so please let me know if you have any problems. Hope you have a good week.

Weekly overview

Spellings:group 1            Group 2            Ideas for practising spellings             Spellings game     

Book review

Art activities                 Templates to colour 1      Templates to colour 2                  Romero Britto examples 1         examples  2           examples 3    




Times tables challenge           Answers      


These are pictures from just before the half term holiday. They include a mixture of work, crafts, some lovely thoughts on how life has changed at the moment, and also a celebration of Charlie's footballing talents. Congratulations Charlie on being asked to play for Manchester United for another year!


Joy of Moving activity booklet

We would love you to share images/videos of your children completing the tasks.

 It would be fantastic if parents could tag Bolton Wanderers Community Trust @OfficialBWCT in any tweets so that we can see people enjoying this initiative and retweet. As an added incentive there will be a prize (TBC) which could be matchday tickets, sports/PE equipment, 1st Team Player Appearance etc. for the school with the most engagement/tweets that tag/mention Bolton Wanderers Community


Trust: @OfficialBWCT​.

Ferrero: @JoyofMovingUK (Twitter & Instagram)

EFL Trust: @EFLTrust (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)

Bolton Wanderers Community Trust: @OfficialBWCT (Twitter & Instagram)


Key Hashtags:  #JOMHomeFestival & #JoyofMoving



Our gallery this week includes acts of kindness, the joy of moving, work that you have done, and also a photo of caterpillar eggs on a leaf from Bella's garden.

Friday 22nd May

Well can you believe it? It's the last day of the half term, and what a strange half term it has been! Not only are we mostly working from home, but I still haven't met most of you. I keep being told what a lovely class I have and I am still hoping that I get to teach you in the classroom at some point.

Thank you for all your lovely emails, and for your hard work. Keep doing what you are doing and stay safe.

After today, you have two weeks off to enjoy the sunshine (hopefully) and relax with your families. Keep sending me your photos and I will add them to the gallery. Have a lovely half term break.

Some of you asked for more origami so I have added some at the bottom of today's work.   

Maths challenges:


Lesson overview

Spelling maze

Times tables challenge              Answers



Origami:  Fish         Rabbit            Daffodil         Frog             Cat              Crane (the bird, not the machine)    

Thursday 21st May

Hello! It is lovely to see all the acts of kindness that you are doing, including Callum making lunch for his family, Anton changing nappies and Kian helping to fill a skip. Well done and keep it up. Also well done to Isla, Milo, Lois and Freddy who topped the leader boards in the TTRockstars battle. Fantastic effort from lots of you. 

Lesson overview

Maths: mental maths starter          Word problems          Word problem answers            Extra challenge        Answers

English: SPaG starter           

English reading comprehension: Metamorphosis             Life cycle of a flower             Help, I'm stuck!




Wednesday 20th May

Hello again! I hope you are having a good week. Thank you for your emails and photos. It is great to see you taking part in the Joy of Moving, and to hear about your acts of kindness. It was also lovely to see the origami butterflies and penguins that you have made. Well done! Some of you have asked if you could have more origami activities, so I will have a look this week for you.

In the meantime, here is your work for today.   The code for the English work is j y n.

Lesson overview

Spellings practice            SPaG starter

Mental maths starter                 Maths: Division                    Maths: answers

Tuesday 19th May

Hello Year 5! Thank you for your emails yesterday. Did you manage to do an act of kindness? Try to do one each day this week.

I have added a couple of extra art activities on today, which I spotted when I was looking at life cycles of animals. Send me a photo if you manage to make the butterfly or penguin. 

Lesson overview

Maths starter      Maths activity sheet

Origami penguin        Origami butterfly

Monday 18th May

Hello Year 5. I hope you have had a lovely weekend. This week is Mental Health Awareness week and so our PSHE is going to start today and continue all week. There is a certificate to be given out on Friday to everyone who has taken part. Also this week, we are taking part in the Joy of Moving which is great for your mental as well as physical health. We will use this in PE but you can do the activities anytime. Take a look at the booklet above (click on the link.)

The code for maths is owb.

Lesson overview

PSHE: Letter from Mrs Bowman         Certificate

Mental maths 

Group 1 spellings        Group 2 spellings

English: Ideas for writing          Word mat          Word mat 2          Modal verbs          Checklist          Blank plan        Blank plan 2

Topic: sheet 1        Sheet 2          Factsheets


Here is some of your work from last week.

I have finally managed to put Zee's short films on here. The first one was made by Zee and his sister for VE Day, as you will see if you look at what they are spelling. The second is Zee's topic work: Anglo-Saxons at home. Unfortunately, they get invaded by a Viking. I think these films are very clever. Thank you Zee and Kayla!

Friday 15th May

Hello. It's Friday again! I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and got some exercise outside. Look out next week for some new PE sessions as we are taking part in the 'Joy of Moving' organised by the English Football League.  Mrs Hypolite has sent a brilliant music lesson again - I have already been singing the songs. I wonder if your parents can guess which film is involved if I say that I spent a day last year wandering around Salzburg, looking at the film locations and singing on the steps...

Lesson overview

Spellings: puzzle     Wordsearch

Choir songs

Times tables challenge         Answers


English: SPaG      Reading comprehension

Topic poster

Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone. Thank you again for your emails and work. Are you managing to do the PE with Joe? We did it in school yesterday and the year 5 girls definitely won the prize for effort! There were some fantastic scores on TTRockstars. Well done to Zee, Dylan, Thomas and Freddy for topping the teams. 

The maths code is gkt.  Task 2 is the more challenging set of questions.

Lesson overview

Spelling ideas

Maths starter

English: SPaG

RE: Tasks         Maps of the journeys        Modern day map

Wednesday 13th May

Hello! I hope you managed to get outside a little bit yesterday and dodged the rain. The TTRockstars battle is still going on. So far Zee, Milo, Thomas and Freddy are topping their teams. Well done to them and also to Dylan who is close behind. Will it still be the same at 4pm today?

Lesson overview



English: SPaG starter        Poster          My plan          Blank plan

Maths: Starter          Activity sheet       Answers        Extra challenge

Here is a selection of your work from the last couple of weeks.

Can you spot who is wearing the replica Anglo-Saxon helmet on his visit to Sutton Hoo a few years ago?

Tuesday 12th May

Hello again! Thank you for your emails and work. Have a look at the photos above to see what people have been doing. I also have two fantastic video clips from Zee but unfortunately they will not upload. I will save them to show you when/if we get back into school.

Lesson overview


Maths: starter      Powerpoint      Activity 1       Answers           Activity 1a     

English: SPaG starter            Reading

French: powerpoint        Word mat 

Monday 11th May

Hello! I hope you have all enjoyed your extra long weekend. I am looking forward to seeing your photos of what you got up to on VE Day. I did an online quiz with some friends, then another one with the family, helped my son do his football training (although he said I am not good at kicking a football) and enjoyed doing some gardening in the sunshine. I will be putting the next newsletter on today (see above) and also some photos of your work.

The code for maths is n y u.

Lesson overview

Mental maths

Group 1 spellings          Group 2 spellings

SPaG starter

English: powerpoint            Activity

Topic: powerpoint            Activity sheet 1       Sheet 2      Sheet 3

Thursday 7th May

Hello Year 5. Thank you for sending me your work and messages this week. I am putting on your work for today, and also some extra activities that you might like to do today or tomorrow to celebrate VE Day. There won't be any lessons set tomorrow. I know some of you are having street parties (whilst keeping to your own gardens) but if you are not, you will still be able to enjoy the sunshine hopefully and spend extra time with your family. Please send photos of whatever you get up to so that we can all share in each other's experiences. Stay safe, have fun and enjoy your extra long weekend.

Lesson overview

Maths puzzle


English: powerpoint        Thought bubbles          Word mat        Blank diary page (British Legion)


VE Day extra activities

Model Spitfire to make      Morse code puzzle        wordsearch        Pictures to colour         Bunting to colour and make


Wednesday 6th May

Hello and thank you again for your emails and work. I hope you have had a lovely day. I have put some documents above on our webpage that some parents might like to have a look at.

Lesson overview




Maths poster        Maths activity        Maths problems

Tuesday 5th May

Hello again! Thank you for all your work yesterday. This is a shorter school week as Friday is a bank holiday for VE Day. I know some of you are having socially distancing street parties which I think is a great idea. I would love to see some photos.

Here is your work for today. There are quite a few separate sheets as I have tried to keep it as easy as possible to follow.

Lesson overview


Maths: sheet 1        Sheet 2        Sheet 3       Sheet 4        Sheet 5        Sheet 6

English: Sandwich sentences

French activity        French word mat

Monday 4th May

Hello! Happy Monday and may the 4th be with you...  I hope you have had a lovely weekend. 

The code for LBQ is aaq.

Lesson overview

Group 1 spellings     

Group 2 spellings

English: SPaG


Friday 1st May

Hello Year 5. May has arrived! The May Day bank holiday is different this year - do you know why? See if you can find out if not. 

We had a few technical difficulties on Wednesday with the ICT but it is accessible now if you have not done it. Thank you Mrs Angold! 

I was very impressed with your work on LBQ yesterday. It was good to see your perseverance if you did not get the correct answer first time. Keep sending me your emails as I enjoy seeing what you have been up to.

Lesson overview

Spellings puzzle

Times tables challenge

Times tables answers


English: SPaG 

English: Comprehension

Topic information

Topic activity

Topic map

Thursday 30th April

Hello! Can you believe it's the last day of April already? Thank you again for all your fantastic work. It is great to get your emails and see what you have been doing.

Here is today's work.   The code for the LBQ task is  sgs.

Lesson overview

Spelling activities

English: Pictures

English: Newspaper

R.E. Bible readings

R.E. Powerpoint


Wednesday 29th April

Hello! I hope you are all safe and well.

There is an important letter from Mrs Angold today (ICT) about how we are going to give you the lesson plan in future. It will make it easier for all of us. Read it carefully and you will find out how to access today's lesson. 

I was impressed with the way you tackled the White Rose Maths challenges last Friday. In case you haven't seen the answers, I have attached them below at the bottom of the activities. Have a look and see how you did. They are for years 3-6 so some will be more difficult than others.

Lesson overview


Expanded noun phrases BBC

Word mats

Maths: negative numbers

Negative numbers answers

White Rose Challenge answers

Tuesday 28th April

Hello again! Thank you for all your work yesterday. 

I am going to be putting daily spelling and mental maths activities on here for you from now on, as you would normally be doing these every day in school. Please remember to practise your handwriting as well, and of course please read every day. I know a lot of you are already doing this as you love reading.  Keep sending me your work as I am saving everything in your school files.

Parents/Carers, I do put the answers to some activities on here so if you are able to go through some of them with your child, it will really help them. It is much more beneficial if they get immediate feedback. Thank you!

Lesson overview

Spelling activities


Extra maths challenge

English: Direct speech

Direct speech answers

English: The Lighthouse


Monday 27th April

Hello! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and you were able to spend some time outside in the sunshine. Have you seen our messages to you? The video is on the homepage of this website. Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for your work and feedback. The powerpoints etc seem to work better on laptops/PCs rather than mobile devices. Make sure you view powerpoints as a slideshow, otherwise you will not be able to use them properly. If you cannot open the powerpoint for spellings, try to find out what some of your words mean before you copy them onto your sheet.

Lesson overview

Spellings powerpoint

Group 1 spellings

Group 2 spellings

English:The Lighthouse


Friday 24th April

Hello year 5. It's Friday! Thank you for all your work this week  and also thank you for your lovely welcoming messages both this week and last. I am looking forward to meeting you all and getting to know you properly. Your work for today is below. Mrs Hypolite is sending us music lessons now so enjoy this week's. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Lesson overview



Spellings puzzle

Times Tables Challenge

Big Maths

Big Maths Timer

Times Tables answers

Big Maths answers

Topic 1

Topic 2


Thursday 23rd April

Hello Year 5. Thank you for all your work. Are you managing to do the PE workout with Joe? I tried it yesterday in school. It certainly gets you warmed up!

Here is your work for today.

Lesson overview

Maths questions

Maths answers

English Biography

RE pictures


Wednesday 22nd April

 Hello again. I hope you have been able to enjoy the sunshine. Thank you for all your work. I really like the sound of the books that you are reading. Try to read a bit each day, as well as practising your spellings and times tables. 

Here is your work for today.

Lesson overview


Spellings powerpoint

Tuesday 21st April

 Hello everyone. We had a few technical problems yesterday so fingers crossed everything will be ok today.  now have daily lessons so we will be using them sometimes. They have lots of good activities so it's worth taking a look at what they offer. Please email me if you have any questions and I will respond as soon as I am able to. If you don't hear from me, it may be that I am in school that day with the children of key workers.

Make sure you read today's school newsletter for news of Miss Roe. Congratulations to her and her family.

 Don't forget to read each day and practise your spellings.

Here is your work for today.

Lesson overview

Maths powerpoint

Maths questions

Maths answers

English comprehension

Monday 20th April

Hello everyone. I hope you have enjoyed your weekend .

Thank you for all your work on Friday. Congratulations to Anton, Charlie F, Lois and Harry who were top of the groups on TTRockstars. Mason, your score was fantastic as well.

Here is your work for today.

Lesson overview

Group 1 spellings

Group 2 spellings

Topic: Anglo-Saxons


Friday 17th April

Thank you again for all your hard work. I will let you know how the TTRockstars battle went later in the day as it is still going on as I write this. Please find today's work below and then enjoy your weekend. 

I have added the answers for the times tables challenge and big maths beat that so you can check your own and see where/if you have gone wrong.

Don't forget the TTRockstars is still open until 8.30pm tonight. So far, Anton, Mason, Charlie F, Lois and Harry are doing brilliantly for their teams. 

Lesson overview

Guided Reading comprehension

Big Maths

Big Maths timer

Times Tables Challenge

Big maths answers

Times tables answers

Thursday 16th April

Thank you for all the work you sent in to me yesterday. It was lovely to read your sentences and find out a little bit about you. Please get in touch if you need to ask anything. Don't forget to use my email address, not the year 5 one.

Mrs Angold has finished updating this week's computing wall of fame so make sure you have a look at the message boards to see who is on it. Also, don't forget to check your alerts in purple mash as Mrs Angold is giving feedback to all of you for your work.


Here is the work for today. (Just click on the words and the documents should open.)

Lesson overview

English - word order

RE - Pentecost


Wednesday 15th April

Lesson overview





The Children's Changing Places group, which is linked to the Diocese, has asked every school to share this resource with their families. There are some nice Easter activities included. However, a number of the suggestions require specific resources that families might not have access to, so please do not feel any pressure to use it or to complete all the activities! It might just give you some nice ideas of things to do as a family during what would have been the official Easter break.

 CCP Easter Party 2020 (1).pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Mrs Angold has had an idea of what you could do to stay in touch over Easter:

Hello everybody!

I thought it would be nice to all share some messages on Purple Mash and at the same time see some familiar faces and what better way to do that than with a mashcam and your class blog!

Here’s how:

  1. Open the To Do called ‘Mashcam  Messages’– first play the message by pressing the Green triangle. You will then hear my message to you and it will give you an idea of what to do! After you have seen my mashcam message to you, simply save and exit  and  hand it in (then I will know who has seen the message).
  2. Next, you will need to make sure you have a device that has a camera (mobile phones are great as are ipads/tablets)  - without it you can’t take that all important selfie!
  3. Next  type  the word ‘mashcam’ into the Purple Mash search bar (it has the magnifying glass)  If you have done this correctly you will then see 3 images – select the middle image of a robot head with no face. This will open into a new page. Now all you have to do is choose a mashcam, take a picture and write your message! Job done.
  4. When you are happy with your mashcam please save it to your work folder – remember make sure your file name makes sense. For example’ Mrs Angold’s mirror mashcam’.
  5. Once you have saved it you can share it on your class blog called ‘Mashcam Messages’ which I have set up for you.
  6. To see someone’s full message on the blog just double click the image

SHARING YOUR WORK:  If you can’t remember how to do this – no worries!

  1. Re-Open your mashcam work, 2.
  2. click the hamburger/menu icon (top left)
  3. click the share icon (the earth with an arrow wrapped around it)
  4. Finally select the ‘blog’ icon on the right (the one with an image of two mountains and a sun).
  5. Give it a title and add a description if you want to
  6. Your work will then appear in the class Mashcam Message Blog.

Can’t wait to see your messages! Remember when posting be kind and respectful of others!

Happy Mashin


 Friday 3rd April 2020

 So this is the last lot of work I will be posting for a while, as Mrs Smallwood will be taking over after Easter. It's been amazing over the last couple of weeks to see how so many of you have embraced home learning and got stuck into all of the activities, you should be really proud of yourselves! I know I am really proud of you all.  Keep working hard and I will make sure I keep myself updated on what you are all getting up to.  Hopefully, when everything is back to normal, I will be able to come and visit you all and see how you've been getting on.

Take care, stay safe and keep on being the amazing class you are!

Miss Roe xx 

  A big well done to Mason, Kian, Jack M and Charlie M for topping your group on TT Rockstars!

 Big Maths week 8.docxDownload
 Deforestation comprehension.pdfDownload
 Friday 3rd April Lesson Overview .docxDownload
 Times table challenge.pdfDownload
 Times Table champion sheet.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Thursday 2.4.20

There seems to have been less technical issues today which is a positive!  Thank you for all the work sent today, it is really great to see what you have been getting up to.  Don't forget that the TT Rockstar competition is still open until tomorrow at 8:30pm so if you haven't had chance to get on yet then you still have time. So far, well done to Mason, Toby, Jack M and Charlie M who are topping their leader boards.  Will it still be that way tomorrow? Who knows!

There are still a few children who haven't sent any work to me at all yet - I would love to see what you have been doing (as I am missing you all a lot!) so if you could send me something via the Year 5 email address  I would really like to see what you've been doing.  Most people are snapping pictures of the work that has been done and then have emailed it over.  I am saving everything you send to me as I don't want your hard work to be for nothing.  

Have a great day!


 English 2.4.20.docxDownload
 Palm oil information.pptxDownload
 RE - Link Christian Values to Easter.pptxDownload
 Thursday 2nd April Lesson Overview .docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

 Wednesday 1st April 2020

Thanks again for another day of hard work from you.  We seem to have had a few technical issues with attachments not being delivered to the email address and some of the work not being able to be viewed very well.  I am very sorry if you have been having these issues - technology is great until it doesn't work!  The documents all work fine if you view them on a laptop or PC, so please do that if you can.  I'm not sure why some of the attachments are not coming through but do keep trying as I love seeing what you have been doing at home.  

Hopefully Wednesday's work will be more successful!

 English 1.4.20.docxDownload
 Wednesday 1st April Lesson Overview .docxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Well done for some lovely rainforest layered books today, they have bee really high quality! Please find the work for Tuesday below.  If you have any questions or queries don't forget to use the class email address and I'll do what I can!  Keep working hard, you're all doing a great job so far!

 English - Tuesday 31.3.20.docxDownload
 Maths - Roman Numerals important dates.docxDownload
 People of the rainforest.pptxDownload
 Rainforest homes.pptxDownload
 Tribe information.docxDownload
 Tuesday 31st March Lesson Overview .docxDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Monday 30th March 2020

I hope you have all had a good weekend and have managed to get some time outside.  All the work for tomorrow you will find below.  Don't forget if you're not sure about anything, please email me using the class email and similarly if you've got any completed work or anything lovely to share please email me that too. 

 Big Write Prompt.docxDownload
 Group 1 spellings or sound .docDownload
 Group 2 spellings .docDownload
 Layers of the rainforest.pptDownload
 Maths - Roman Numerals.pdfDownload
 Monday 30th March Lesson Overview .docxDownload
 Roman numerals knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
 Roman numerals number chart.pdfDownload
 Roman Numerals rules.docxDownload
 Spelling activity - or sound.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Monday 23rd March 2020

Here is the work for today.  Please get in touch if you need anything and I will do my best to respond.

 Monday 23rd March Lesson Overview .docxDownload
 Session 1 - rainforest card game.pdfDownload
 Spelling Review Activity 23.3.20.pdfDownload
 Time knowledge organiser 1.pdfDownload
 Time knowledge organiser 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Here is the work for today.  Please get in touch if you need anything and I will do my best to respond.  Thank you for those who've already sent work to me.  It's lovely to see what you've been getting up to at home and thank you for your hard work.

 Maths - Time Problems 24.3.20.pdfDownload
 past, present, perfect tense .pptDownload
 Present perfect work 24.3.20.pdfDownload
 Rainforest map.docxDownload
 Tuesday 24th March Lesson Overview .docxDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Wednesday 25th March 2020

Please find the work for today below.  Thank you for your email responses and work sent so far, keep them coming.  Any questions, please ask!

 Punctuate addresses.docxDownload
 Wednesday 23rd March Lesson Overview .docxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Here is some more information about what to do for Mrs Angold in ICT tomorrow:

Computing Challenge To Do 
Year 5
1. Complete Game Creator planning leaflet.
2. Start game creator *Do not start until you have completed your planning leaflet and handed it in!*
PLEASE watch the following videos - they will help you to complete your planning leaflet. Take your time 
Don't forget to HAND IN your work!

Please ensure you are logged in to Purple Mash and then click on the following link to access the videos:

Thursday 26th March 2020

Thanks again for your hard work at home.  I'm seeing some lovely pieces of work being emailed in, it's great to see what you're getting up to at home.  Well done to those who took part in the TT Rockstars competition - especially Mason, Alice, Thomas and Charlie M who topped their leaderboard!

 Prepositions of time 26.3.20.docxDownload
 RE - Victory at Easter 26.3.20.docxDownload
 Thursday 24th March Lesson Overview .docxDownload
 Web links for Rainforest .docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Friday 27th March 2020

I can see there has been a lot of work gong on today again.  This is great to see, keep up the good work!  As I write this the Sumdog competition is still going so I can't tell you how it has finished just yet!

 Big Maths week 7.docxDownload
 Easter comprehension.pdfDownload
 Features of a non-chronological report..docxDownload
 Friday 27th March Lesson Overview .docxDownload
 Times Table Challenge.docxDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6