St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Archived Class Closure Work
  2. 2019 2020 Closure Work
  3. Year 3

Year 3   

I hope everyone is well. I will be updating this page with daily activities for your  child to complete (though they may need some guidance with some of it).   

There will be a section below this introduction that I will update with general resources.  The daily tasks will be added to underneath - firstly as a Word document but then with links as well. I will set tasks according to our usual class timetable to a certain extent, but there will be more exercise activities as children will not be in the playground! It would be nice to see some of your creative exercises and adventures around the home too.   

You are welcome to do additional activities or change activities to suit you, please understand that our usual lesson style and format of sessions will not be possible at this time.    

Please take photos and email work produced as I will save it in your pupil's work folder on the school network. I will comment on and feedback where appropriate, obviously your own comments in person and at the time to your child will be beneficial to their learning and progress. You can photograph or email to tell me about fun and educational activities you do too, I will appreciate these as I am already missing the daily news and stories from home. 

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me on the our Class 3 email - and I will reply as soon as I can.

Take care and look after yourselves.

Miss McCutcheon.  

Resources online:

This is a list that I have compiled based on what we use in class and also some offers of Free access for parents during the School Closure time. If you have any difficulties or find any others, please email me on the class email.


I may set tasks/ challenges/ competitions using these websites – all children have passwords. If they have forgotten/ lost these, please contact me via the Class email address. – The children are used to using the Times Tables section but we also have free access during the outbreak to Numbots which also has brilliant games on number facts – Times Tables, Number bonds, Halves/ Doubles etc. – mainly Key Stage 1 but some valuable skills that need consolidating in Year 3 – LOTS of games online to access for free – Maths and English


Twitter - @keypesports (Mr Fenton amongst other PE teachers) will be sharing videos/ resources/ challenges/ ideas of how you can keep children active at home. They will be posting this information every day at 10am.

Youtube – (they did Rock Kidz concert with us last year) are offering free, online sessions (Fun PSHE content, Live music, daily exercise and interactive competitions and prizes.) THEY ARE LIVE DAILY AT 2pm.

Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) Daily PE Workouts  From what I understand, if you subscribe  (free) to this YouTube channel daily workouts will be shown every weekday morning at 9:00am

**Please always be mindful of adverts as these are not linked to content**

Lockdown Help and Advice (from Mrs Kemp)

As Special Needs Co-ordinator for St Saviours, I have been liaising with some of our outside agencies during this school closure. They have provided the documents below for families and children during this lockdown period. These documents have been aimed at families that are using their agencies so please do not be put off by the terminology i.e. 'children with learning difficulties'. They have some very helpful information in that can help with children struggling to understand the situation and with their anxieties etc.


The first document talks a lot about how to support yourself and your child emotionally through this period and the second gives ideas of how to help your child with routines at home. The visual time table in the second document has lots of school work timetabled in, I do not advise you to do this much. Spending time playing, being with the family and doing day to day activities are much more important. You do not have to use them, however thought it would be good to share.

 Document 1- Support for Yourselves + Others During Lockdown  - Bolton Educational Psychology Service. 

 Document 2 - Supporting Children - Coping With COVID-19 Isolation  -Community Family Psychology, Neurodevelopmental Team + Children's Occupational Therapy

Newsletter 3 - Educational Psychology (this includes some fun activities to help)



Newsletter from Education Psychology/ Ladywood - Literacy Difficulties

Newsletter from Education Psychology/ Ladywood - Numeracy Difficulties

There are other resources linked to returning to school and I will share those nearer the holidays for you to look at. They will be made available in the other year groups that are returning this term.

Daily Activities

The general format for the  daily plans will firstly be a word document that outlines an overview (and explanation) of activities/ tasks for the day.

There will then be some links to any resources that are referenced in the daily overview. 

Some days the activities might all be practical and not require additional downloads. You can complete work on paper or email me pictures/ files that you have done and I will try to respond when I can.

If anyone has forgotten their log in details for any of the Maths sites/ Purple Mash or would like the password for the AMAZING research site, Britannica for children, please email me at 

Summer 2 Half Term:  Week beginning 13th July, 2020

Here we go... into the final week and you have nearly made it! Give yourselves and your families a HUGE pat on the back for all of your effort and hard work! Just one more week but there are lots of fun things in this week as I want you to ease into the holidays and take a little time for yourself as well as all of the usual lessons. I have been looking at our Sumdog National Contest and am pleased to tell you that out of the whole country, we finished in 255th place! Hayden was our champ as he finished 190th individually with 959/ 1000 questions correct! Some other stars which stood out are Holly B-N, Arthur and Ellie who all completed the full 1000 questions and got at least 800 of them correct. I will give each of you 80 additional coins! Also thanks to those of you who have sent in work for Mrs Horrobin and handed in the Purple Mash Art piece - please ensure these are done and sent to me/ handed in before you start your other work. I am collecting it and giving it to Mrs Horrobin. Thank you all for everything and let me know if I can do anything at all, it has been a pleasure to learn and work with you all - children and adults alike. Take care and stay safe x

Weekly Overview, Literacy and Mathematics

 Weekly Overview Y3 Wk 5 13.07.20.docxDownload
 Handwriting Y3 13.07.20 ff.docxDownload
 OPTIONAL Year 3 English Grammar and Punctuation Y3 Test 6.pdfDownload
 Tues Comic-Book-Templates.pdfDownload
 Friday All About Doorstep Wildlife Reading Comp.pdfDownload
 Wednesday summer-multiplication-mosaics.pdfDownload
 Thursday Maths-the-mystery-of-the-missing-sacks-on-sports-day.pdfDownload
 Big Maths Times Tables Timed Y3 Wk 3.docxDownload
 Friday Mental-Maths-Challenge-Cards.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Non Core and End of Year Fun!

 ALL WEEK Summer-Mindfulness-Colouring-Sheets.pdfDownload
 Friday Summertime-Word-Search.pdfDownload
 Friday The Big End of Year Would You Rather Quiz Powerpoint.pptDownload
 Friday shark-themed-top-cards-game.pdfDownload
 RE Wk 6 Final Task.docxDownload
 Thurs PSHE Activity What_affects_my_choices_about_money.pdfDownload
 Thurs PSHE What affects my choices about money_presentation UK.pptxDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Week beginning 6th July, 2020

 Good afternoon Year 3! Only 2 weeks left of Year 3 remaining and I know we wish we could all be together but you are still doing well in keeping up with the tasks and sending me emails of what you have been up to. If you haven't emailed for a little while, please do so we can touch base and I'll email you back. The photos are especially lovely as I can see you busy and having fun! Apologies for the Sumdog Spelling tsk confusion this week, I've not set one this time! However, there is a context this week so I have incorporated that into our lessons. The more you can go on, the better!

Weekly Overview and Literacy

 Weekly Overview Y3 Wk 5 06.07.20.docxDownload
 OPTIONAL English Grammar and Punctuation Y3 Test 5.pdfDownload
 English Lesson Monday.pdfDownload
 English Lesson Tuesday (2).pdfDownload
 Mon English Adverbs with audio.pptxDownload
 Thurs Near Homophones match up.pdfDownload
 Thurs Homophones Optional extra.pdfDownload
 Handwriting Y3 06.07.20 un de.docxDownload
 Reading comp Georgia-okeeffe EASIER.pdfDownload
 Reading Comp Georgia-okeeffe-MIDDLE.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 11


 Big Maths Times Tables Timed Y3 Wk 2.docxDownload
 Mental Maths Y3_Summer_Test_6 PUPIL.pdfDownload
 Mental Maths Y3_Summer_Test_6_ANSWERS.pdfDownload
 Monday Emoji Code breaking 2 digit level.pdfDownload
 Monday Emoji Code breaking 3 digit level.pdfDownload
 Tuesday Y3 Mastery 2D shapes pack.zipDownload
 Wednesday Y3 Mastery 3D shapes pack.zipDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Foundation Subjects

 Art Georgia-okeeffe-information-powerpoint.pptDownload
 Georgia O Keeffe Fact Sheet.pdfDownload
 Mrs Horrobin Task 1 All about me.pdfDownload
 Mrs Horrobin Task 2 Superhero Transition Writing Frame.pdfDownload
 Music KS2 WB 06.07.20.docxDownload
 PE -fun-fitness-bingo.zipDownload
 PE OPTIONAL Fitness circuit.pdfDownload
 PE Overview of activities WB 06.07.20.docxDownload
 RE Wk 5 Ten Commandments revisit.docxDownload
 Thurs PSHE How_can_I_keep_my_money_safe_Activity_sheet.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12

Week Beginning 29th June, 2020

As your Purple Mash weather diaries show, it has been a very changeable week this week! Yet still you persevere and continue to show us how amazing you are! I'm attaching a few pictures of work etc to the weekly Gallery and would like to mention Rosa and Ellie who have been on Sumdog this week! There is a Challenge next week as well as LBQ and Purple Mash tasks so lots of computing! We will be finishing our Science unit and moving onto Art for a week and a famous artist - I wonder if you have any ideas who it might be? There is a Numeracy Newsletter in Maths resources from Ladywood and Education Psychologists which you may find useful. Have a wonderful week and please carry on emailing me and letting me know how you are getting on, take care. The Sumdog Spelling Challenge closed on Monday evening as the subscription has gone back to its original Maths subscription (we had extra access during the COVID outbreak and this has been removed as of 1st July). Sorry!

Weekly Overview and Literacy Resources

 Weekly Overview Y3 Wk 4 29.06.20.docxDownload
 Adverbs with audio.pptxDownload
 Dialogue with audio.pptxDownload
 English Lesson Tuesday.pdfDownload
 English Lesson Wednesday.pdfDownload
 English Lesson Thursday.pdfDownload
 Handwriting 29.06.20 Long Vowel Phonemes.docxDownload
 Answer Booklet - The Railway Children.pdfDownload
 Mark-Scheme-The-Railway-Children .pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Maths Resources

 Numeracy newsletter final.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Mon Make 10 or 20.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Tues addtonext10.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Wed make100.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Thur Make100.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Fri Subt100.pdfDownload
 Big Maths Times Tables Timed Y3 Wk 1.docxDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Science and Foundation Subjects

 Friday Art Activity 1.pdfDownload
 Friday Art Activity 2.pdfDownload
 Friday Art Activity 3.pdfDownload
 Music Wk 11 WB 29.06.20 Space.docxDownload
 PSHE Thurs Types_of_account_Infographic.pdfDownload
 PSHE Thurs What_do_banks_do_Infographic_UK.pdfDownload
 RE Wk 4 Rules Challenge.docxDownload
 SCIENCE Activity Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant.pdfDownload
 SCIENCE Lesson Presentation Life Cycle.pptDownload
Showing 1-10 of 11

Week beginning 22nd June, 2020

Hey there Class 3, it's Sunday again which means it's almost the start of another week! How have your weekend's been? It was my Mum's 70th Birthday yesterday and that was my highlight - she had a lovely day. We are continuing our week of Science with the Plants topic and I have put a few Optional things on this week - get through as much as you can, but I understand it is tricky some days. I have also tried to put the Answers on a separate file to print separately. Keep persevering and trying as hard as you have been. If you can, please all of you send me an email over the next week to let me know how you are doing and I'll send you a message back. Thank you for the lovely messages for Jessica as part of our PSHE - I'm missing some so please continue to email these to me. Have a great week you amazing lot! Here are a few pictures of the work from the past week!

Weekly Overview and Literacy Resources

 Weekly Overview Y3 Wk 3 22.06.20.docxDownload
 English Day 1 Tasks.docxDownload
 English Day 1 ANSWERS.docxDownload
 English Day 2 Tasks.docxDownload
 English Day 3 Tasks.docxDownload
 English Day 3 ANSWERS.docxDownload
 English Day 4 Tasks.docxDownload
 English Day 4 ANSWERS.docxDownload
 English Day 5 Tasks.docxDownload
 English Day 5 ANSWERS.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 14

Maths - resources also on Bitesize Daily links

 Fractions Ext Tuesday.jpegDownload
 Twinkl Angles Presentation and activities.zipDownload
 Big Maths Song 90 seconds.mp3Download
 Big Maths-Week10-90-seconds timed.docxDownload
 Big Maths-Wk 10-Levelled Qs.docxDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Topic and Foundation Subjects

 PE Overview of activities WB 22.06.20.docxDownload
 RE Wk 3 Rules Reflection.docxDownload
 PSHE Financial Capability Thursday.docxDownload
 PSHE Jobs_and_money_Activity_sheet_UK.pdfDownload
 PSHE What_are_the_links_between_jobs_and_money_Presentation_UK.pptxDownload
 Handwriting Unit 25 Dialogue.docxDownload
 Music Wk10 Pirates DH.docxDownload
 Sci Lesson 3 Prediction Puzzle Activity.docDownload
 Sci Lesson 3 Prediction Puzzle Answers.pdfDownload
 Sci Lesson 3 Presentation Moving Water.pptDownload
Showing 1-10 of 17

Week beginning 15th June, 2020

Week Beginning 15th June 2020

Hi Class 3 and Families! I know that we will not be back in school physically but we still have another 5 weeks together learning and we are still a team! Keep trying as hard as you have been and sending images of work and photos to me so that we can celebrate your achievements! You have all been amazing this year and I know that myself and the other staff in Class 3 and at St Saviour are INCREDIBLY PROUD of each and every one of you. Here is another week of activities to keep you busy and for you to keep on learning at home. I look forward to hearing from you all. :) PS There are also some more documents from Mrs Kemp and the team which may help you deal with these tricky times. I have updated that section above.

There is also a Gallery of your fantastic Impressionism style pictures from last week!


*Apologies as I hadn't put the Handwriting task sheet but it is there and in the Literacy documents (Unit 24: Address)

Weekly Overview and Literacy

 OPTIONAL English Grammar and Punctuation Y3 Test 4.pdfDownload
 Unit 24 address.docxDownload
 Weekly Overview Y3 Wk 2 15.06.20.docxDownload
 Word Families Powerpoint.pptDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4


 SnappyMaths Mon round2dto10.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Tues round3dton100.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Wed round3dto10.pdfDownload
 SnappyMaths Thur round1dptowhole.pdfDownload
 Big Maths Song 90 seconds.mp3Download
 Big Maths-Wk 9-big-maths-90-seconds (1).docxDownload
 Big Maths-Wk 9-Levelled Qs.docxDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Topic and Foundation Subjects

 RE Wk 2 Ten Commandments.docxDownload
 French Family Wordsearch - ONLY PRINT PAGE 1.pdfDownload
 Music Wk7 WB 15.06.20 Typewriter.docxDownload
 Science Lesson 1 Presentation - Parts of Plants.pptDownload
 Sci 1 - Task 1 Parts of a Plant Labelling.pdfDownload
 Sci 1 Optional Finishing Pairs Game.pdfDownload
 Parts of a Plant Word Mat.pdfDownload
 Sci 2 Presentation- What Do Plants Need to Grow Well.pptDownload
 Sci 2 Investigation Planner.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 14

Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Monday 8th June

I hope that you all had a relaxing Half Term and a rest from the work! This week, I would like us to focus on Wellbeing as we head into another strange few weeks of online learning. You have all been amazing and I love to receive all of your hard work - Please, Please keep emailing it through and I will keep on replying!


The school has changed to a different, weekly format of planning which is simpler overall. I will attach the documents etc into document lists of Literacy, Mathematics and Topic/ Foundation so that you know where to go for any support and printing. I would appreciate feedback, as always as this is new to all of us and I want to get the balance right for our class. If activities are too challenging or you need more extensions, please contact  me and I will endeavour to help as much as I can and adapt it week on week.


Thank you for you ongoing support and guidance for the amazing children! If you can't get through it all, do not worry and do what you can. This is our first week in this format so bound to be some teething difficulties!

Weekly Overview and Literacy Morning Activities

 Weekly Overview Y3 Wk 1 08.06.20.docxDownload
 Literacy Day 1 Activities.pdfDownload
 Literacy Day 2 Activities.pdfDownload
 Literacy Day 3 Activities.pdfDownload
 Literacy Day 4 Activities.pdfDownload
 Literacy Day 5 Activities.pdfDownload
 Clauses and Conjunctions with audio.pptxDownload
 Adverbs with audio.pptxDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Mathematics (most on web link)

 Big Maths 90 seconds timed -week 8.docxDownload
 Big Maths Song 90 seconds.mp3Download
 Big Maths-part-2-week 8.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Topic/ RE/ PSHE/ SPaG/ Reading (2 pages)

 RE Wk 1 Rules Intro.docxDownload
 PSHE Wk 1 Keeping money safe.docxDownload
 Impressionist Art.pptDownload
 Reading Comp- Usain Bolt Biography- CHOOSE LEVEL TO PRINT.pdfDownload
 Handwriting Unit 23 Apostrophe spaces.docxDownload
 SPaG Activity Sheet Identifying Adverbs.pdfDownload
 SPaG Adult Guidance Verbs and Adverbs Game.pdfDownload
 SPaG Lesson Presentation Adverbs.pptDownload
 Word Level -al Presentation.pptDownload
 Word Level -al Word Search.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12

Week Beginning 18.05.20

The Joy of Moving!


Please find attached the resource booklet (in Monday 18/05/20 documents) along with images that you can use on social media along with the key hashtags. We would love you to share images/videos of your children completing the tasks!

Ferrero: @JoyofMovingUK (Twitter & Instagram)
EFL Trust: @EFLTrust (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
Bolton Wanderers Community Trust: @OfficialBWCT (Twitter & Instagram)
Key Hashtags:  #JOMHomeFestival & #JoyofMoving

It would be fantastic for not only our school, but also for parents to tag Bolton Wanderers Community Trust @OfficialBWCT in any tweets so that people can be seen enjoying this initiative and retweet. As an added incentive there will be a prize (TBC) which could be matchday tickets, sports/PE equipment, 1st Team Player Appearance etc. for the school with the most engagement/tweets that tag/mention Bolton Wanderers Community Trust: @OfficialBWCT​.


Gallery of Year 3 being amazing! 

Friday 22nd May We have made it! It's the end of the strangest half term that I have ever known and yet, Class 3 and St Saviour are as strong as ever. You are all awesome and special and every single one of you is valued by family, friends and those in your school and groups more than you know. Keep going as we all believe in you. That applies to not only Class 3 children but also their parents and families x

 Fri 22nd May Daily overview.docxDownload
 Task 1a bm90second.mp3Download
 Task 1-big-maths-90-seconds-w7.docxDownload
 Task 1-big-maths-part-2-w7.docxDownload
 Task 2 Garden Birds Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity.pdfDownload
 Task 3 Music KS2 Wk5 Rock You.docxDownload
 Task 5a Sikhism overview of task.docxDownload
 Task 5b Sikhism-powerpoint.pptDownload
 Task 5c What Sikhs Believe Powerpoint.pptDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Thursday 21st May Wow, what a scorcher of a Wednesday! I hope that you managed to get your Joy of Moving completed - please, please send me some pictures and get hash tagging! Arthur, Pippa, Jessica B, Simar, Maya, Harrison, Jessica W and Holly BN have completed their Sumdog Grammar challenges so far (Wednesday evening!) and there are a few close to it (Archie, Bobby, Ellie and Max) - make sure that you have been online and completed it by Thursday evening! Very much missing you all, continue to take care Class 3 and families x


A mention must go to those who have sent me their 'Baked Potato' adaptations - particularly Arthur, Holly BN and Jessica W. Jessica's was posted online as a Tweet and the BIG news is that Matt Lucas actually liked it! Check it out through the ST Saviour Twitter page! Please send more of these and also photos of your Acts of Kindness and activities for Joy of Moving so that we can tweet and Facebook our pictures too! I have a few waiting to go online but would like more!!!

 Thur 21st May Daily overview.docxDownload
 Task 2a PowerPoint - Identifying Subordinating and Coordinating Connectives.pptDownload
 Task 2b Subordinating Conjunctions I SAW A WABUB.pdfDownload
 Task 2c Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS.pdfDownload
 Clifton Country Park map.jpegDownload
 CLifton leaflet 1.jpegDownload
 Clifton leaflet 2.jpegDownload
 Clifton Leaflet 3.jpegDownload
 Kearsley Power Station 1.jpegDownload
 KPS 2.jpegDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12

Wednesday 20th May I hope that you enjoyed the Baked Potato song activity! I know it wasn't the trickiest at the basic level but I hope that you were performing it and taking the message behind it seriously! Wednesday is hopefully going to be an active day and one with lots of 'Get up and Go!' involved! Let me know how it goes and don't forget to send us pictures or use the links above to post some on Social Media, using the hashtags. Have fun!

 1a Snappy Maths Mult of 5 to 100.pdfDownload
 1b Snappy Maths Bonds to 100.pdfDownload
 Resource 1c hundred-square.pdfDownload
 Resource 1d NCETM Mastery and Greater Depth in Maths.pdfDownload
 Wed 20th May Daily overview.docxDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Tuesday 19th May Ok, so I may have been wrong about the weather today and a bit optimistic in your exercises outside! However,  I am sure it is going to get better. If you didn't do the PE yesterday, don't worry as I will set less for Wednesday for you to catch up on it when I'm convinced the sun will shine! Back to the Sumdog from last week and the Graphs Assessment - the scores over 20 were Bobby, Arthur, Hayden,  Kayla, Jessica B, Max and Noowar. Well done to Holly B and Dexter too who persevered to the end!

 Task 1 -Formal-Division-of-2-Digit-Numbers-Activity-Sheet.rtfDownload
 Task 2 Baked Potato ORIGINAL SONG.docxDownload
 Task 2a Baked Potato Edited.docxDownload
 Task 2b Baked Potato Edited.docxDownload
 Task 4a - Coal Mining formation cut and paste.pdfDownload
 Task 5 - French numbers memory match game.pdfDownload
 Task 5b - French numbers memory match game 0-20.pdfDownload
 Tues 19th May Daily overview.docxDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Monday 18th May Welcome back to another week! And I am going to try to put some things for outside later in the week as the weather is going to be gorgeous!

It is Mental Health Awareness week and as such, you will see some links to this in our lessons such as PSHE (see attachments) and PE (also see the information just above here). There will be a different Positive Quote of the Day at the top of this Class 3 page each day so check it out!

PSHE has been included on Monday so that you can keep referring to it during the week. I know that we have done something similar before but please do take part as it is a whole school activity and it will benefit you and your family too! I have included a Powerpoint which you could use as an introduction (don't print) and a kindness activity sheet that you may like to fill in too. The attached certificate could be given at the end of the week! 

I've had a look at the Sumdog from Friday (Assessments) and have been very impressed with the scores of Bobby, Arthur, Hayden, Holly B-N, Kayla, Lucas, Max and Noowar in the Time one - I have sent some reward coins to these, and others who took part in the Assessment. I'll feedback about the Graphs one tomorrow.

 Mon 18th May Daily overview.docxDownload
 Joy of Moving Home School Festival Booklet.pdfDownload
 Tas 1a Doubling halving riddles.docxDownload
 Task 1b Doubling Halving Riddles.docxDownload
 Task 1c Doubling Halving Riddles.docxDownload
 Task 2a group-1 and 2 -spellings-eigh ei ey.docDownload
 Task 2b group3 -spellings-eigh ey.docDownload
 Task 2 Eng Year 3 Week 5 Day 5.pdfDownload
 Task 3a Mental Health Awareness Week letter.docxDownload
 Task 3b Mental Health Awareness Certificate.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12

WB 11.05.20

Friday 15th May Super work on Sumdog Holly, Pippa and Arthur as our top three at lunchtime! The reading booklet may take a while today so don't worry if you only spend a short time looking at the coal mining questions/ ideas. We will be coming back to it next week. Just a heads up as well - it is Mental Health Week next week so you will be getting some lovely tasks related to this and being kind (we did some on this a few weeks ago too!) Please continue to work hard and keep smiling!

 Fri 15th May Daily overview.docxDownload
 Task 1a bm90second.mp3Download
 Task 1b Timed-big-maths-90-seconds-w6.docxDownload
 Task 1c -big-maths-part-2-w6.docxDownload
 Task 2a Reading Booklets.pdfDownload
 Task 2b Answer Booklets.pdfDownload
 Task 2c Marking Schemes.pdfDownload
 Task 3 Music at home KS2 Wk4 Do a Deer.docxDownload
 Task 4 Coal Mining questions and ideas.docxDownload
 Task 5a PowerPoint - The Five Pillars of Islam.pptxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 11

Thursday 14th May  Hi to all! You are making great progress on the Sumdog - a particular mention to Ellie, Holly B and Simar who have really done well on the Graph challenge and are still continuing to go on Sumdog, brilliant work! I hope that you are all well and keeping busy (I'm sure this work is!). I am trying to get out each day for a walk and have even started jogging/ running now and feel much better for it. What exercises have you put into your daily routines? 


 Thur 14th May Daily overview.docxDownload
 1a 2 dig ÷ 1 dig questions.docxDownload
 Task 2 Eng Year 3 Week 5 Day 4.pdfDownload
 Task 4a Coal Mining During the Industrial Revolution.pptDownload
 3a 2Type Printable keyboard.pdfDownload
 3b 2Type Printable poster.pdfDownload
 4b Planning coal mining report.pdfDownload
 4c Coal Mining report.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

 Wednesday 13th May   

 Wed 13th May Daily overview.docxDownload
 Task 1a 2 dig x 1 dig grids.docxDownload
 1b 3 dig x 2 dig questions.docxDownload
 Task 2 Eng Year 3 Week 5 Day 3.pdfDownload
 Task 3 Self-esteem-yoga-poses.pptDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Tuesday 12th May I hope that you are all enjoying our new topic of Coal Mining, I can't wait to get into it - there was a lot of it in Kearsley and we will be looking at some maps and information about that too over the next two weeks.  Did any of you see some of the programmes about VE Day? I saw the one about Captain (Colonel) Tom Moore and it was very interesting! Well done to those who have made a good start to their Sumdog Challenge on Time - Jessica W, Zulqarnain, Simar and Holly B are all over half way through it!                                                THE LBQ ACTIVITY CODE IS NOW rvq

 Tues 12th May Daily overview.docxDownload
 Task 2a Dialogue Powerpoint with audio.pptxDownload
 Task 2b Eng Year 3 Week 5 Day 2.pdfDownload
 4a Tues 11.05.20 Early_Mining.pdfDownload
 Task 4b Timeline of events in the Coal Industry in Britain.docxDownload
 5a French Greetings Powerpoint.pptDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Monday 11th May Hello after a long and lovely weekend! I've received a few of your pictures from your VE Day celebrations and work from Thursday but looking forward to getting some more! The format for planning will slightly change this week as I try to get the balance right and will use a different way to upload documents, I hope it is useful! If you would like more activities or easier/ more challenging options, then please contact me by email. Please see the above box for details that Mrs Kemp has received and has kindly shared. It may help you and your family.

 Mon 11th May Daily overview.docxDownload
 Task 2 Engl Year 3 Week 5 Day 1.pdfDownload
 Mon 3a T-E-596-There-Their-and-Theyre-Homophones-PowerPoint_ver_1.pptDownload
 3b there their theyre practise sheet.pdfDownload
 4a Info about coal.docxDownload
 4b What_is_coal.pdfDownload
 4c Coal thought shower.docxDownload
 Task 5 Unit 22 non co.docxDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Some pictures from Weeks 1-6:

WB 04.05.20

Thursday 7th May  Good Morning! I am putting up Thursday's work early as you may want to have a little look at it and prepare some things ready for the next couple of days (it can go into the Bank Holiday as you will see!)! It is VE Day and as such, I've given you themed activities around this with a bit of LBQ, Reading Comprehension (of course VE Day themed) and Music too! I emphasise that this is not about spending a lot or making extravagant and complicated things - it is about finding out about our past and creatively having a lovely day with our families.               Your LBQ code at is gui

It has been a difficult time for all recently and I really hope that we can use this time to remember and have discussions about those of the past and the events that happened, whilst at the same time, relaxing and enjoying time with our loved ones where possible. You obviously won't get through too many of the activities and some key workers will be working (Thank you!) - I have provided a big list for you to pick and choose from together and to HAVE FUN! I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures and finding out about your celebration days. You are all in St Saviour's thoughts :)

Activities Overview Thurs 7th May                                                 Music from Mrs Hypolite                                               Reading comprehension sheets (DON'T print all!)

Wednesday 6th May Hi Class 3! We are gearing up for VE Day and I have given you some resources to help for tomorrow and Thursday is going to be our VE Themed Day of work! You may be considering having a street party and our lovely St Saviour School will also have some decorations up! 

Activities Wed 6th May

Maths Money Calculations                   Diary outline

VE Day Powerpoint


Other VE Day resources

Spit fire glider                                   Union Jack Bunting                                 VE Day Medal

Wartime Recipe Book                         Wordsearch                                            Reading Comp

Home Learning Zip File             

Tuesday 5th May   Thank you for the continuing emails - they are brilliant to read and allows us to keep in contact in a really positive and supportive way. Today, I have been doing a bit of gardening and I'm off for a run as I am starting the Couch to 5K - I prefer the couch already! Well done to Arthur on achieving a Blue Peter badge for Music :) 

Daily Activities Tues 5th May

Maths Task 3                                     Ext 1 - Problem Solving/Reasoning                               Ext 2 – Fluency task                                Maths Extension support Powerpoint

English Session overview                    Perfect Form Powerpoint

Science Powerpoint 1: Magnet Strength                                                                                Science Powerpoint 2: Magnet Power

French Powerpoint                              French colours worksearch                                         French colours sheet

Picture News 1 - VE Day                     Picture News 2 - VE Day

Monday 4th May  Happy Monday! And a really massive THANK YOU to Jessica, Katie W and their family for the awesome song that they have created! We LOVE getting things like this and it really, really cheers us up and your creative sides are so expressive! Thank you also to Jessica B for the beautiful card :)

Daily Activities 04.05.20 Y3

Maths Task 1                                                         Maths Task 2

Spellings grid - contractions                                  Contractions Task 3

Powerpoint – Progressive form of verbs                 English Session outline

Science Powerpoint – Scrapyard Challenge             Science worksheet – Magnetic sorting



Additional Overview                

Mental Maths Spring Test 2                           Mental Maths Answers and Notes

Reasoning Test (Spr 2)                                 Reasoning notes/ answers             Contractions Task (Activity 3)

Subordinate clauses Powerpoint       Completing sentences activity

Subordinate conjunctions jigsaw 1       I SAW A WASUB poster


WB 27.04 20

Friday 1st May  *SUMDOG UPDATE! At the end of the competition, Year 3 were 26th out of the whole of Manchester! We were the daily winners on Thursday, well done! Out of 1000 questions, Hayden scored 955, Sarah 928 and Holly BN 879! Sarah and Hayden were both in the top 50 out of the whole of Manchester!*

Goodness, I can't believe it is May already! We are all missing you in Team 3 but I hear regularly from all the adults in there and they are all fine. We just can't wait to get back to our lovely class routines and seeing all of your smiling faces again! Brilliant work on the Sumdog competition! I will update when I have more news of how we have done as it finished last night. I am not setting any homework this weekend. It has been a very busy week with loads of work from you and I would like you to have a couple of days off and just spend time with your families in your homes and go for nice walks (in the sunshine I hope!) Please write and tell me all about it on Monday!

Daily Activities 01.05.20 Y3

Music lesson (from Mrs Hypolite)

Big Maths Times sheet /40                                                              Big Maths 90 second music                                   Big Maths Levelled sheets

Picture News 1 Capt Tom Moore (now Colonel!)                                  Picture News 2 Capt Tom Moore (now Colonel!)

Handwriting task (Unit 21)

Science Powerpoint                                                         Science Experiment worksheet

Thursday 30th April   Apologies for some of the confusion with emailing of work today for ICT - hopefully this won't happen again. A HUGE thank you to those of you who have sent your France projects in - they have been so interesting to look through and a lovely variety of activities have taken place! Maths is Sumdog based tomorrow so that we can have an input into the Manchester Competition but you are welcome to do more of the Addition/ Subtraction activities that I have provided over the week eg. Challenge Word Cards! he editing of stories has gone really well too, I have particularly enjoyed Simar's and Maya's today and Harrison has also edited a section really effectively. Keep sending them as you have done them and I am sending feedback to you about them.

Daily Activities 30.04.20 Y3

English Day 3 overview                                 English Powerpoint - Past and present tense

The Torah Powerpoint

Science Pushes and Pulls Powerpoint             Pushes and Pulls worksheet


Wednesday 29th April A bit of an update -the password for Brittanica online  is changing. I know some have asked for the password so be advised that the password has changed with effect from 27.04.20. I will email this to those who have contacted me previously about it but also be reminded that this is an invaluable and safe way to search online for our children! Please email the class email and I will send you the password (can't publish it publicly online) I have also been looking at the stats from our online activities and would like to especially mention Sarah, Jessica W, Pippa, Laura, Sofia, Simar, Ellie, Archie, Noowar and Jessica B who have all been on Sumdog for over an hour in the last few days (especially important as we begin a new competition!) Also, on Prodigy Game, Bobby and Archie have been going on lots!         * AS A NOTE, PLEASE KEEP REFERRING TO THE SCHOOL CALCULATION POLICY (IN MONDAY'S RESOURCES*

Daily Activities 29.04.20                                     1cm squared paper (great for written methods in calculations)                           Addition word challenges (optional)

Maths Task 1                                                       Maths Task 2                            Addition and subtraction word challenge cards (opt)           +- word problems sheet (opt)

English Non Chronological Reports Day 2           Support from Mrs Angold (ICT lessons)

Tuesday 28th April  A surprisingly stunning day today! Thank you for continuing to access the activities and tasks each day Class 3, we appreciate how hard you are working and it really will help you too. Hayden - a fantastic story based on Fantastic Mr Fox... lots of you have been writing brilliant and imaginative stories so well done!

Daily Activities 28.04.20 Y3

Maths: Two digit subtraction (without --> with exchanging)             Maths: Three digit subtraction (progressively hard- MY preference if doing 3 dig)              

Maths: Three Digit subtraction as on the website (with exchanging straight away)

Extension – Move & Learn activity: Three digit + and – game

High Frequency Word Mat KS2                                         High Frequency Word Mat Phases 2-5 (KS1)                             Years 3/4 Word Mat

France Project Outline                                                     French months of the year word mat                                    French months of the year Snakes & Ladders activity

Monday 27th April    Well, I hope that you have all had a look at our FANTASTIC video from the staff to you all - we were very excited to share it with you and missing you soooooooo much! The link is at There will be a continuation of the Topic work this week (See Thursday) and I hope that you are working hard on this. Please bring them in when we go back to school! Maths and English will follow a similar format to last week and extra activities are attached. 

Daily Activities 27.04.20 Y3

Spelling focus -ed and -ing

Maths Task: Three Digit addition with answers on page 2                                   Two Digit Addition                                         Two Digit Addition Mathopoly Game

Year 3 St Saviour Calculation Policy - PLEASE REFER TO THIS

English Day 1 Lesson – Non Chronological Report


Extra Activities: SPaG/ Mental Maths/ PE

Extra Activities Overview                                                                 Mental Maths Test 6                         Mental Maths Answers and Notes

Reasoning Test                                                                                   Reasoning Test answers                                                                            

Grammar and punctuation Y3 Cards                                                  Grammar/ Punctuation card answers                                           SPaG Practise Test 2 with answers


Friday 24th April  I hope you all had a lovely St George's Day! And finally, the wind eased up so I could work in the sun! Today's mention goes to Dexter who has been doing some very creative things this week - making fairy doors with his family, baking gingerbread men and also by sketching the characters from "Fantastic Mr Fox." I have to say, they were impressive and you can see it here!  Please could I see some more of your stories and do try to finish them as we will be editing them next week. They are like your Big Write so I really want to read them as a key piece of evidence. Apologies for the grammatical error in the Lego Challenge 18 above (I hate seeing these but can't change it as it is an image!). I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and have some well earned time off from school work!

I have attached a certificate for parents to please print off and complete your child's name on it. I would like them to know how proud we are! ONLY PRINT PAGE 1!!!

Daily Activities 24.04.20 Y3

Big Maths Beat That Times Wk 4                                  Big Maths Beat that Levels 2 and 3                                 Big Maths Timed 90 sec music

Guided Reading text                                                       English Day 4 Activity outline (comprehension/ prepositions)

Music lesson (from Mrs Hypolite)                                   Certificate (lots of pages - ONLY print Pg 1)

Thursday 23rd April  These photos that you are sending are really making me smile! I'll keep adding the gallery above every week -  it's like a Hall of Fame! Well done to Ellie on completing the Sumdog challenge. I can see that another 6 of you are partway through and close to finishing too!

Daily Activities 23.04.20 Y3

Active Maths Jog Places activity             Active Maths Number cards resource                           Hundred Square – to support Active Maths

Maths Task 1 Instructions                     Maths Task 1 Numberlines                                             Maths Task 2: Ordering numbers worksheet (only choose *,** or *** sheets)

Sentence openers mat                             Fronted adverbials mat                                                  Conjunctions etc mat

France project task overview                 RE Ten Commandments Powerpoint

Wednesday 22nd April  I hope you are all having a great week - please could I ask for some more pictures of your work from last week, in particular the cards to Capt Tom Moore? Some pictures will be going onto Twitter at the end of the week and I am putting some in a Gallery above as I really want to celebrate your work. Also, a HUGE congratulations to Arthur who has got through the first round of the BBC 500 Word Competition with his super entry! Click here to read it!

Well done to all those children who have completed the Sumdog Challenge now - in addition to yesterday there are Sarah, Dexter, Simar, Hayden, Pippa, Phoebe, Harley, Holly B-N and Jessica W! 

Daily Activities 22.04.20

Maths Task 1: Dice Dilemma                                           Maths Task 2: Comparing three digit numbers

Maths Mastery/ Higher Level tasks

English Days 3 – 4 sessions                                             Fox Writing paper

Mrs Angold’s Computing Task


Tuesday 21st April Firstly, I would like to say well done to those of you who have already completed the Sumdog Challenge of 100 questions - Maya, Max, Sofia, Arthur, Zulqarnain and Henley! 11 more children are working their way through it! That's what I call an ace start to the week, who else will join them tomorrow? I'm pleased that you are checking the additional activities. This week I am keen to try some new resources to mix it up a bit and help us to learn in different ways so let me know what you think please!

Daily Activities 21.04.20 Y3

English Fantastic Mr Fox Day 2 lesson

Maths White Rose Maths task 1

Twinkl Place Value Board Game Task 2

Local Map skills

French Days of the week activity


Monday 20th April Welcome to another week! I have changed the layout of lessons a bit this week. Rather than putting everything on the Daily lists of activities, I will put a week’s worth of Maths Mental/ Oral, English SPaG and other activities that you can do at home on a separate document (under here!).

Additional Optional Activities WB 20.04.20                                   Spelling activity Powerpoint                                                           Spelling activity sheets

Brain Break Flashcards                                                                     Gross movement Animal flashcards

Access these tasks as much as you wish – I know not everyone has as much time and chances to do all of the activities but I am also aware that some of you are managing to get lots done! I’ll try to use lots of different resources for you.

Daily Activities 20.04.20
Measuring Mass Powerpoint (as Thursday)                                       Measuring Mass Sets A,B and C                                   Measuring Mass Challenges – extension

English Powerpoint - Prepositions                                                   English Powerpoint - Present Perfect Tense                 English Day Fantastic Mr Fox activities/ resources
Paris/ London Slides                                                                       Paris/ London activities

Exercise Diary                                                                                  5 minute workout cards                                               8 minute workout cards

  Friday 17th April    Have a lovely weekend everyone, it's been a very short week at school! Plus, today's shout out goes to Sarah who, with her family has produced a fantastic video of 'Thank you' from iSingPop for the NHS!  Find it here: 

Daily Activities 17.04.20 Y3 - I know there is quite a lot so carry some on to Monday and I will put less Topic on Monday!

Big Maths Beat That Timed sheet                                              Big Maths 90 second music                               Big Maths Beat That Levelled sheets with L3 answers

Bread Experiment write up

Reading Comprehension ‘Cowboys’ Non Fiction Reading booklet

Reading Comprehension ‘Cowboys’ Answer booklet

Reading Comprehension ‘Cowboys’ Mark Scheme (for adults!)

Paris Slide Show (can use on screen rather than print out – as yesterday)

Paris Activities (please refer to Daily Activities as you do not need to print it all)

Thursday 16th April   A beautiful day to begin the Summer Term! Keep the emails coming with your work and pictures - I would like to out some photos of what we have been up to on Twitter! There is a note from Mrs Angold on the Daily Activities about an exciting Message Board! LBQ activity (English) code = sff   PLEASE IGNORE TASK 3 AS I DIDN'T PUT PRE-READ ON!

Daily Activities 16.04.20 Y3

Active Maths Activity Overview 'Point in Time'

1-12 Hour cards (can reduce size or handwrite to save printing)                                               Minute cards 5s (can reduce/ write)

Mass Powerpoint

Estimate the Mass Sheet

Handwriting (Unit 20 Opposites)

France PDF Slideshow (can just use on screen - do not need to print)

France Worksheets --> please read the activity overview and do not print it all!

Mrs Angold's ICT Support to access Message Board

Wednesday 15th April Welcome back! And well done on the TTRockstars Tournament over your holidays! I have put the results just above. A special mention goes out to Sarah (WOW - what a score!), Holly B-N, Hayden, Jessica W, Jessica B and Arthur! :) Now I'm back to replying to emails and looking forward to hearing from you and teaching and learning with you again. :) Please start sending through examples of what you have done for your Easter homework and pictures of what you have been up to. Today's LEGO challenge is now on the site! Apologies if the screen goes red for a while at any time - I will be trying to sort it but am having some issues when I upload and update the page. 

Daily Activities 15.04.20 Y3

Maths Days, Months, Years Powerpoint

Maths CGP Activity (Set A,B or C)

Mastering Maths extension activity

Direct Speech Red Pirate activity (easier)

Direct Speech Green activity

Computing activity 15.04.20 - set by Mrs Angold