St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Curriculum
  2. RSE + PSHE


Meet The Team.


  Mrs A Bowman             Mrs Meachem                      Mrs D Bithell                                            RSE School Tribe

  Subject Leader             Subject Link TA                Subject Link Governor                                   


Through our PSHE / RSE teaching we strive to enable children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing we help develop their sense of self-worth and teach them how society is organised and governed. We teach them about rights and responsibilities and encourage them to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society. We also ensure that they experience the process of democracy in school through the school council and a sense of belonging through our tribe groups.

Key aims:

  • Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle;
  • Be aware of safety issues;
  • Understand what makes for good relationships with others;
  • Have respect for others;
  • Be independent and responsible members of the school community;
  • Be positive and active members of a democratic society;
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues;
  • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community.
  • Become aware of personal changes as they grow throughout a sex and relationship unit.
  • Gain a good understanding of drug education.

The main aim throughout the school is to prepare children, so that when they are introduced to facts about human sexuality they do not find them shocking, or frightening in any way, but appreciate them as part of a natural process. Moral values are transmitted which extol the virtues of family life and relationships and promote a positive self-image in each individual. Pupils learn to respect themselves and others. By using a well-structured approved on-line programme (SCARF), we aim to complement and support the work of parents.

The statutory objectives for the RSE curriculum sit alongside, compliment and enhance our ongoing aims for PSHE.


The school is committed to the provision of RSE + PSHE to all of its pupils. Our scheme aims to respond to the diversity of children’s cultures, faiths and family backgrounds. Equal time and provision will be allocated for all groups but there may be occasions where children with Special Educational Needs are given additional support/time.

All year groups have one specific stand alone PSHE session a week. However, there is a shared acknowledgement and understanding that PSHE is not just taught within the confines of a specific session. It permeates through the whole school while we work to deliver our mission statement 'Striving For Excellence Whilst Caring For All'. Our collective worships, work with the wider community, engagement with visitors, educational visits, RE sessions, selected English texts used in sessions, texts in class libraries, charity work and work within our school tribes among other things, all help to develop the 'whole child'.

 In terms of the stand alone PSHE sessions, in order to deliver a comprehensive curriculum for our children, that ensures the required objectives are taught in a systematic, age appropriate way, we follow a scheme of work taken from the CORAM/SCARF curriculum. This curriculum provides six half termly units that are taught in each year group. Each unit has its own age specific content that contributes the development of children’s understanding and skill acquisition.

The six SCARF units taught in school are:

  • Me + My Relationships.
  • Valuing Difference.
  • Keeping Myself Safe.
  • Rights + Responsibilities.
  • Being My Best.
  • Growing + Changing.

Using SCARF across all age groups ensures progression in knowledge, attitudes and values, and skills – including the key skills of social and emotional learning, known to improve outcomes for children.

For further details, see further documents that are provided within this subject page i.e. curriculum map.


We believe that our children leave us with a personal toolkit that will enable them to be strong, confident members of society.

Tracking illustrates that an extremely high percentage of children achieve the age related expectations for their year group by the end of each year. These expectations are set out by SCARF and an outline of these can be found within this subject page.

The truest measure of our impact can be seen in the children themselves and from listening to their own words. I questioned groups of KS1 and KS2 children.

EYFS + KS1 identified the subject as being fully linked to feelings, emotions and how to behave. However, as children move through school they recognised the other elements that are linked such as keep safe, keeping healthy, rights and responsibilities. KS1 agreed with this when it was suggested to them after they had given their responses!

All children questioned said they enjoyed the subject. EYFS and KS1 were very vocal about the range of activities they did in sessions such as painting, drama, drawing.

There was complete agreement that children felt this was a happy school where they felt safe. They felt that if there were any problems or if anyone was upset or worried there were lots of people in school available to help and many of the older children talked about specific events / occasions in their time in school when this had happened.

The video of our previous year 6 cohort (leaver 2023) within this page also shows the impact of not only our PSHE curriculum but the whole ethos within the school.

Key Documents

The file list below contains links to key subject documents.

 1. DFE RSE Statutory Guidance Document.pdfDownload
 2. PSHE RSE Policy October 2023.pdfDownload
 3. Whole School Long Term Long Term Overview 2023 2024.docxDownload
 4. Knowledge and Skills Progression.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Year Group Expectations:

 Reception PSED Development Matters Descriptors.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Age Expectation Descriptors.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Age Expectation Descriptors.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Age Expectation Descriptors.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Age Expectation Descriptors.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Age Expectation Descriptors.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Age Expectation Descriptors.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Additional Information

If parents would like any further information regarding the RSE scheme in school or the policy they are welcome to contact Mrs Bowman at school. There is also further information and a parent tab on the SCARF website -

Packed Lunch + Break Time Snack Guidance

The documents in the file list below give the school guidance on packed lunches and break time snacks along with another document produced by the Children's Food Trust. This document offers advice, guidance ad ideas for children's packed lunches.

 Childrens Food Trust Packed Lunch Guidance- Support.pdfDownload
 St Saviour Packed Lunch and Break Time Snack Guidance September 2023.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Growing + Changing Unit. - Summer Term (2nd Half)

The 'Growing and Changing' unit is the unit which contains the objectives about naming parts of the body, puberty and the changes emotionally and physically that can happen to our bodies during puberty. These objectives are not only part of the statutory health curriculum (within RSE) but also part of the statutory science curriculum. 

This is the unit that parents have had the most questions about. As a school, we have adapted the 'SCARF' plans slightly so that we feel we are introducing terminology and facts at an age appropriate time for the children in our school. This has been ratified by our governors. We felt that although all the SCARF content for this unit was statutory and necessary to be taught by the end of primary, we did not feel comfortable introducing it as young as SCARF had suggested and have therefore moved some elements of this unit to older year groups.

Copies of the adapted plans can be found for each year group below.

 Reception Growing + Changing Plan.docDownload
 Year 1 Growing + Changing Plan.docDownload
 Year 2 Growing + Changing Plan.docDownload
 Year 3 Growing + Changing Plan.docDownload
 Year 4 Growing + Changing Plan.docDownload
 Year 5 Growing + Changing Plan.docDownload
 Year 6 Growing + Changing Plan.docDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

What we think about Our School...By Yr6

Last year, before our Year 6 pupils left, we asked them if they could have a think about St Saviours and the impact school had had on them. It was at a time when our previous headteacher was retiring so there are some references about him in there too but it was rewarding to hear in the children's own words how they have felt supported, given opportunities to thrive and to develop their own self confidence.

Subject In Action Around School

Images of RSE / PSHE in action around school. Additional photographs can be found on the school Twitter page and the school Facebook page.