St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Class pages
  2. Class 6

Year Six - 2023-2024



Hello and welcome to the Year 6 page! This is where you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 6 this year. There is so much to look forward to this year, including: being stretched and challenged, an exciting curriculum, trips, assemblies and an end of year production. Your last year at St Saviour is going to be brilliant!


Remember it's really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn.

Upcoming Dates this Half Term

World Book Day- Thursday 8th March 

Residential- Wednesday 13th- Friday 15th March

Show racism the red card event- Tuesday 19th March

Overview for the Year

Class Teacher: Mrs Horrobin

Support Staff: Mrs Edmondson, Mrs Hackett and Mrs Smallwood

PE days: Wednesday and Friday- PE kit must be in school at all times.

Home Learning Expectations: Children are expected to practise core skills every week:

  • Reading - ideally daily, but at least 3 times a week. Books will be changed according to the day written on the front of their reading record.

  • Embedding multiplication and division facts, up to 12x12, recalled in any order at speed (Sumdog, own practise, times tables book)

  • In Year 6, homework takes the form of English or Maths, occasionally topic. Every Friday, the children will be given their homework with instructions. This should be completed and handed back by the following Monday.

  • Children should learn their spellings sent home every Monday, to be tested the following Monday.

Year Six Staff

Mrs Horrobin

Mrs Edmondson

Mrs Hackett

Mrs Smallwood


Sumdog is a great interactive way of engaging children with maths. Use the following link to begin the challenges. 


A Link to Sumdog


Topmarks is a great website full of Maths games. Use the following link to begin exploring.


A Link to Topmarks

Below is a copy of our subject coverage sheet for the Autumn, Spring Term and Summer Term.

Please Find Our 'Parent Welcome' Powerpoint Below

Year 6- Autumn Term 2023 

Y6 Church Service Bible Presentation 2024

 Addition and subtraction calculation policy (1).pdfDownload
 Class 6 Theme Overview Sheet 23 24.docDownload
 Literacy overview Year 6 2023-24.docDownload
 Multiplication and Division calculation policy V2.pdfDownload
 Y6 Maths Yearly Overview Grid 2023-24.docDownload
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