Year 4
School Closure Work, Important Information (Updated June 2020)
Hi everyone and welcome to Year 4's school closure page,
I hope you are all still keeping safe and well at home?
Just to let you know work and tasks will be added here on a weekly basis on a Sunday evening. There will be an overview for the week of tasks and activities. There will also be a list of resources to use each day underneath.
If you need to send work or need help with anything you can still use the email:-
Please do not worry if you cannot complete all tasks everyday, just do what you can. Try to enjoy yourselves as well :)
In the meantime please stay safe and look after yourselves and each other. I look forward to seeing you all again when we are clear to come back to school. I have written you a poem below to cheer you all up!
Miss you lots, Mrs H x
Useful Websites to Use/Visit (you have to sign up to this but it is free for a range of activities) (you have to sign up but it is free due to school closures)
Other Useful Things to Know
- Joe Wicks is completing home workouts from 9am everyday (from next week) on his you tube channel (you may have to sign up to this).
- Rock Kidz are also doing music from 2pm daily on their you tube channel (you may have to sign up to this).
- Bramah Fitness (Mrs H gym class) also do family and kids workouts on their you tube channel.
- Here is a link to a children's encyclopaedia that is useful for research:- please contact Mrs Horrobin via email for the username and password.
Easter Activities To Try From The Diocese
The Children's Changing Places group, which is linked to the Diocese, has asked every school to share this resource with their families. There are some nice Easter activities included. However, a number of the suggestions require specific resources that families might not have access to, so please do not feel any pressure to use it or to complete all the activities! It might just give you some nice ideas of things to do as a family during what would have been the official Easter break
Choir- Miss Roe and Mrs Thornley have sent a song list (links to you tube videos of songs) for choir children to look at and practise singing along to.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
During this very difficult time it is important we look after not only our own wellbeing, but our children's. Here are some things to try out at home:-
- The Mindfulness Teacher (a teacher I went to university with) is beginning mindfulness sessions via her you tube page tomorrow 04.05.20. She is posting the link on her facebook page if you add 'The Mindfulness Teacher'.
- Mrs Kemp has also provided some resources for those children who may have an additional need and are finding these times particularly difficult. There is also a document on how to talk to children who are feeling anxious or scared.
Supporting Children with a Learning Difficulty Through Lockdown 1, Looking After Yourselves and Others,
Supporting Children with a Learning Difficulty Through Lockdown 2, Supporting Children with a Learning Difficulty Through Lockdown 3
Supporting Children with Working Memory Difficulty, Supporting Children with Anxiety
All Tasks Set Since School Closure Began
Week Beginning 20.04.20
Day 1 - Daily Tasks, Maths Sheets, Maths Powerpoint, French Sheet
Day 2- Daily Tasks, History Powerpoint, History Sheet, Example Explanation Texts
Day 3- Daily Tasks, English Powerpoint, English Planning Example, English Planning Blank Copy, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, ICT Work
Day 4-Daily Tasks, English Powerpoint, Explanation Text Example 1, Explanation Text Example 2, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, History Powerpoint, History Sheet, Handwriting Sheet
Day 5-Daily Tasks, Music Sheet, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, History Powerpoint, History Sheet 1*,History Sheet 2*, History Sheet 3*
Week Beginning 13.04.20
15.04.20 Daily Tasks, ICT Sheet, PSHE Powerpoint, English Wallace Letter, English Explanation Text Examples, Maths Sheet
16.04.20 Daily Tasks, English Pairs Game, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, Art Powerpoint
17.04.20 Daily Tasks, Maths Sheets, History Powerpoint, History Sheet
Week Beginning 30.03.20
Day 1- Daily Tasks, Maths Sheet, Maths Presentation, French Sheet
Day 2-Daily Tasks , Maths Sheet, Geography Sheet, Geography Wordsearch, PSHE Sheet
Day 3- Daily Tasks, Maths Sheet
Day 4- Daily Tasks , Maths Sheet 1, Maths Sheet 2, Geography Powerpoint, Handwriting Sheet
Day 5- Daily Tasks, Music Sheet, Art Sheet, Art Powerpoint
Day 1- Daily Tasks , Worksheet
Day 2- Daily Tasks, Maths Sheet, SPAG Sheet
Day 3- Daily Tasks, Maths Sheet
Day 4- Daily Tasks, Maths Sheet 1, Maths Sheet 2, SPAG Sheet, Geography Sheet, Handwriting Sheet
Day 5 - Daily Tasks, Maths Sheet
Week Beginning 27.04.20
Day 1- Daily Tasks, Maths Reasoning Paper, Wallace Letter, Explanation Text WAGOLL, French Powerpoint
Day 3- Daily Tasks, ICT Sheet, PSHE Powerpoint, English Comp Sheet 1*, English Comp Sheet 2*, English Comp Sheet 3*, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets
Day 4- Daily Tasks, English Sheets, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, History Powerpoint, History Sources Sheet, History Recording Sheet, Handwriting Sheet
Day 5- Daily Tasks, English Prompt Sheet, English Monster Sheet, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, History Powerpoint, History Diary Template, Art Powerpoint, Music Sheet
Week Beginning 04.05.20
Day 1- Daily Tasks, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets
Day 2- Daily Tasks, Science Powerpoint, Science Sheets, Art Powerpoint, Art Sheet
Day 3- Daily Tasks, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, English Planning Sheet
Day 4- Daily Tasks, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, Science Powerpoint, Science Sheets, Handwriting Sheet
Week Beginning 11.05.20
Day 1- Daily Tasks, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, Music Sheet
Day 2-Daily Tasks, English Sheet, Maths Test, Science Powerpoint, Science Sheet, Art Powepoint
Day 3- Daily Tasks, PSHE Powerpoint, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, SPAG Powerpoint, SPAG Sheet
A little picture below for all those doing home schooling...
Day 4-Daily Tasks, English Powerpoint, English Sheets, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheets, Science Powerpoint, Science Sheet, Handwriting Sheet
Day 5-Daily Tasks, Music Sheet, Maths Booklet, English Booklet, Science Powerpoint, Science Sheet, Art Powerpoint, Art Sheet
Week Beginning 18.05.20
Day1- Daily Tasks, Mental Health Awareness Letter, Joys of Moving Document, Maths Sheet, Art Powerpoint
Day 2- Daily Tasks, Science Powerpoint, Science Sheet
Day 3- Daily Tasks, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheet
Day 4- Daily Tasks, English Comprehension, Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheet, Science Board Game, Science Powerpoint, Handwriting Sheet, Mindfulness Colouring Sheets
Day 5- Daily Tasks, Music Sheet, English Powerpoint, Maths Sheet, Monet Pictures, Mental Health Awareness Certificate
Week Beginning 08.06.20
Hi All,
I hope you have had a fabulous half term! I am still missing you all lots, please send me some lovely pictures of what you have been up to! Well done to Isabelle, Noah, Caleb, Leon and Mollie for taking part in the Sumdog work I set in the first week of the holidays, awesome effort guys!!
From this week I will be posting your activities weekly and not daily. I have attached an overview, timetable and all the resources below. Please email me with any queries and have a lovely week. Mrs H xxx
08.06.20 Resources- Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheet, Geography Powerpoint, Geography Sheet
09.06.20 Resources- Geography Powerpoint, Geography Sheet, Handwriting Sheet
10.06.20 Resources- Maths Sheet 1, Maths Sheet 2, Maths Sheet 3
11.06.20 Resources- Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheet, Geography Powerpoint, Geography Sheet
12.06.20 Resources- Maths Sheet, Music Sheet
UPDATE WITH REGARDS TO SENDING WORK VIA EMAIL- You may send work via email but it would be preferable if you sent it all in one email, not separate emails for each piece of work that is completed. You do not need to send all the work from the week, you may send the work your child is most proud of or work you would like me to check, if you are unsure about any part of it. You may keep all the work you do not send in a folder or book at home. You may also feel you would like to email about the week at the end of each week, this is entirely up to you. Please do what you feel is most convenient. Please also feel free to email any queries when they arise. I hope this provides a little more clarity. Mrs H xx
Week Beginning 15.06.20
Hi All,
I hope you are all still well and had a fabulous first week back after half term. I hope you are finding the work okay and are managing to get some done :) Do not worry if you don't get through it all! Thank you for all the work sent this week, excellent effort, it makes me very proud. Well done to Katie for answering 594 questions in our 'sumdog challenge' on Tuesday, Tyler who answered 452, closely followed by Will, superb effort!! Please let me know if you need any help by contacting me via email, I will respond in the evenings.
Have a lovely 2nd week, Mrs H xxx
15.06.20 Resources- Crown Template, Mental Arithmetic Test, Answers to Test, Geography Powerpoint, Geography Sheet, French Sheet
16.06.20 Resources- Geography Powerpoint, Geography Sheet, Handwriting Sheet
17.06.20 Resources- Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheet, Art Sheet
18.06.20 Resources- Maths Powerpoint, Maths Fraction Wall, Maths Sheet, Geography Powerpoint, Geography Sheet
19.06.20 Resources- Maths Powerpoint, Maths Sheet, Music Sheet
Week Beginning 22.06.20
Hi All,
I hope you all had a great second week of our Summer 2 Term, I had a lovey first week back in school, Reception were fantastic, I taught them pirate joke you all know and love (eye roll )!! Thank you for the super work still coming in, I have enjoyed reading the 'Rotten recipes' the most, some were very disgusting, yuk! Well done to those who took part in the 'sumdog challenge' on Tuesday, Tyler answered the most questions with 420, closely followed by Isabelle with 312 and then Caleb, great work guys!! Let's see who will be top of the leader board this week.
Have a great one, Mrs H xxx
Weekly Overview (no timetable, same as last week really)
22.06.20 Resources- Tudor Powerpoint, Tudor Timeline Sheet
23.06.20 Resources- English Sheet (go to pg10), Henry VIII Powerpoint, Handwriting Sheet
24.06.20 Resources- No resources needed today!
25.06.20 Resources- Tudor Clothes Powerpoint
26.06.20 Resources- English Sheet (go to pg18), Music Sheet
Week Beginning 29.06.20
Hi All,
I hope you have enjoyed week 3 of our Summer 2 Term, we have had some glorious weather haven't we (well, until this weekend anyway)?!? Thank you for the work and feedback sent via email, it is so wonderful to see you are all still working hard at home. Sorry about the confusion around sumdog on Tuesday, I had to re set the task at lunch time, so if you missed it, I apologise. Well done to those who did manage to find it, I promise it will work this week (fingers crossed).
I hope you have another great week. Let me know if you need anything.
Mrs H xxx
29.06.20 Resources- History Powerpoint, Art Powerpoint, Art Sheet, French Powerpoint, French Sheet
30.06.20 Resources- History Powerpoint, Handwriting Sheet
01.07.20 Resources- Art Sheet
02.07.20 Resources- History Powerpoint, History Sheet, Guided Read Comprehension
03.07.20 Resources- Art Sheet, Music Sheet, PSHE Powerpoint, PSHE Sheet
Week Beginning 06.07.20
Hi All,
I hope you are all still okay and managing to continue to complete some of the tasks I set at home. I am happy to announce that the sumdog tasks worked this week!! Well done to Caleb, James and Tyler for being in the top 3 of those who answered the most questions and most accurately. I hope you are all receiving the coins I send you when you complete the challenges? I hope you have another lovely week. Try to complete the work Mrs Smallwood has set for your new classroom next year and email it to me.
Let me know if you need anything.
Mrs H xxx
06.07.20 Resources- Science Powerpoint, Science Mind Map, Science Sheet, Art Powerpoint, Art Image 1, Art Image 2, Art Image 3, Art Image 4, Spelling List
07.07.20 Resources- Handwriting Sheet
08.07.20 Resources- Science Powerpoint, Electrical Appliance Cards, Science Sheet, Art Powerpoint, Art Image 1, Art Image 2, Art Image 3
09.07.20 Resources-Guided Read Sheet 1, Guided Read Sheet 2, Guided Read Answer Sheet, Science Sheet
10.06.20 Resources- Poetry Reading Booklet, Poetry Answer Booklet , Poetry Mark Scheme, Art Powerpoint, PSHE Powerpoint, Music Sheet
Week Beginning 13.07.20
Hi All,
Well done on another week of home learning, I have had some great pieces of work sent, thank you. I cannot believe this week is the end of our time together in year 4. Thank you for all your hard work this year, especially in these different and difficult times. You have all been amazing and should be very proud of yourselves. I am sorry we cannot say a proper goodbye but I am sure I will see you in September! Have a fantastic summer, you deserve it!
Mrs H xxx
Unfortunately I have put on last week's RE task on the overview as I hadn't got my emails and thought this was this week's RE. I have now updated the RE on the overview, sorry for any inconvenience. Music Sheets are also now on below. Mrs H xxx
13.07.20 Resources- English Mystery Game, English Mystery Game Answers, Maths Beach Hut Game, Maths Beach Hut Game Answer Sheet, Maths Beach Hut Game Clue Cards, Maths Beach Hut Clue Card Answers, Geography Fortune Teller, Origami Lotus Flower
14.07.20 Resources- English Escape the Room, Escape the Room Answer Sheet, Escape the Room Clue Cards, Mindfulness Colouring Sheets, Handwriting Sheet
15.07.20 Resources-Summer Acrostic Poem, Maths Missing Socks, Colour Hunt Sheet, Ice Cream Cone Craft
16.07.20 Resources- My School Year Memories, Multiplication Mosaic Sheet, Reading Challenge Card Activities,
17.07.20 Resources- Summer Achievements Sheet, Colour by Multiplication Sheet, How to Grow a Rainbow Sheet, Paper Plate Sun Craft, PSHE Powerpoint, Music Sheet 1, Music Sheet 2
Week 1 Home Learning...
Week 2 Home Learning...
Week 3 Home Learning...
Week 4 Home Learning...
Week 5 Home Learning...
Week 6 Home Learning...
Week 7 Home Learning...
Week 8 Home Learning...
Week 9 Home Learning...
Week 10 Home Learning...
Week 11 Home Learning...
Week 12 Home Learning...
Week 13 Home Learning...
VE Day Powerpoint, Design Your Own Medal, Bunting to Colour, VE Day thoughts, VE Day Word search, VE Day Colouring Sheet