St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Class pages
  2. Reception Home Page
  3. Reception Photographs
  4. Reception 2023 2024 Photographs

Reception 2023 2024 Photographs

There are some photos below from our first term but a Twitter feed with a more regular update of photographs can be found at the bottom of the class homepage.

Below, you will find photographs linked to the following:

Our Favourite Thing From Week One! - September 2023

A Snap Shot Of Our First Two Weeks - September 2023

Our Harvest Faces - September 2023

Harvest Festival - October 2023

Our First School Disco - October 2023

Our House Hunting Walk - October 2023

While School Sponsored Walk - October 2023

Fireworks - November 2023

Remembrance Day - November 2023

Christmas Nativity - December 2023

Last few weeks of the autumn term - December 2023

Last few weeks of the spring term - March 2024

Our May Memories! - May 2024

Our Buddy Trip - Knowsley Safari Park - June 2024

Sports day - June 2024

Reception Class Assembly - June 2024

Reception Graduation - July 2024

Our Favourite Thing From Week One! - September 2023

Reception have been thinking about which area of Reception they have enjoyed the most during their first week. It was a tricky decision for some children. They liked everything....phew!!! Looks like they will all be coming back for week 2! Well done Reception. You have been fantastic this week. We are all very proud of you.

A Snap Shot Of Our First Two Weeks - September 2023

We have had lots of fun in Reception, making new friends, learning new routines and getting used to our new environment.

Our Harvest Faces - September 2023

Reception made some fantastic harvest faces with Mrs Spencer-Peck and Mrs Hulton. 

Our Harvest Festival - October 2023

Reception joined the whole school at church this morning for our Harvest Festival. Everybody was very kind and brought a donation of tinned or dried food. We sang some songs, a hymn and danced! Well done Reception.

Our First Disco - October 2023

It's DISCO TIME!!! We danced, ate and played pass the parcel! Here is a little insight in to our night. 

Our House Hunting Walk

Reception have been out and about on an adventure. They went exploring the local area in the search for different types of houses. We used our new words to describe the houses. We found a detached house, a semi detached house, a terraced house, a flat and a bungalow. We sketched the houses so that we would not forget what they looked at. Later in the week we are going to draw a map to show where we found the houses.

Whole School Sponsored Walk - October 2023

Reception joined with the rest of the school to raise money for the PTA and to sponsor a Tibetan child for a year. They loved the walk and although they were starting to get tired towards the end, the PTA treat at the end helped to wake them all up again! Thank you to the PTA.

When Reception were asked about what their favourite part was there was an almost unanimous response...the mud! 

Thank you to all the families that were able to join us and to everyone that donated sponsor money. The afternoon was a huge success. We will update people on the final amount raised when we have a total.

Thank you to the children, the families and PTA.

Fireworks - November 2023

Reception have had a week full of activities linked to fireworks. They made fruity fireworks, moved like fireworks, created chalk and ICT images of fireworks and even had their own bonfire with vegan marshmallows.

Remembrance Day 2023

Alongside firework activities, Reception also spent time learning about Remembrance Day this week. They completed some poppy art work and wrote about Remembrance Day with Mrs Spencer-Peck and then made their own poppy to wear and made a big class poppy to be displayed at the front of school. 

 Our Chrsitmas Nativity - December 2023

Our children were superstars in their Nativity performance. Look at how proud they look in their costumes.


Last Few Weeks of The Autumn Term - December 2023

Reception have had a busy, exciting few weeks. These are a few photographs that have been shared on Twitter and on the class website page. The children have been designing Christmas tree decorations, making a Christmas advent wreath, performing in a very special nativity show, writing a letter to Father Christmas and walking to post it in the postbox with their Yr6 buddies and have lots of fun at their Christmas party. Well done Reception. You have had a great term.

Last Few Weeks of The Spring Term - March 2024

The class have had a great term. There have been lots of pictures on Twitter throughout the weeks but I have just selected a few from the last couple of weeks.

Just recently they have acted out the Easter story, been visited by the Easter Bunny, met Paul Sturgess, did some writing with 'the Good Egg' and were fantastic in our Easter Church service. Well done Reception. We are very proud of them.

Our May Memories

Reception have taken part in lots of exciting activities recently. Here are some of our May memories...
*Releasing our butterflies.
*Taking part in our own TriKids event.
*Finding out all about Mary Anning - Making our own dinosaur fossils and painting fossils.
*Continuing with our Kindness Challenge, watching a video from John McGee each morning and then completing our kindness journal at the end of the day.

Our Buddy Trip - Knowsley Safari Park - June 2024

We had a great time on our buddy trip today. The coach driver commented on the fact that he head never met children who were as kind to each other as our children. We were very proud. We saw lots of animals and learnt lots of new things. There were some tired looking children and adults getting off the coach at the end of the day! A huge thank you to our Year 6 buddies who were excellent at helping to make it a special trip.

Sports Day - June 2024

The children had a great first sports day. It was very warm so we had lots of drinks! It was lovely to see everyone trying so hard. Thank you to all the families that came along and supported.

Reception Class Assembly June 2024

Reception were fantastic throughout their class assembly this morning. We are all soooooo proud of them. They were super brave in front of a big audience. Thank you so much to all the families that came and supported us and for all your lovely comments. We will be sharing your amazing comments with all the children. 

Reception Graduation - July 2024

What an exciting day. Reception have graduated and are ready for Year 1. We are all very proud of them.