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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Archived Class Closure Work
  2. 2019 2020 Closure Work
  3. Year 6


Year 6

Work and tasks will be added here on a weekly basis from Monday. If you need to contact class teachers you can use this email: - the class email is still available but will not be checked as regularly whilst we are worling in school, Currently staff will be in school working with Class 6, Class 1, Reception and essential worker children +children with a EHC plan. @6Ringley is our new class twitter page - please send us pictures of what you are up to.


In the meantime these are sites that we use in school for Maths and Reading that the children should have the password to:


Monday 13th July

 Well the end of the strangest year I have ever taught and one I hope we never end up repeating! It has been a learning curve for us all in trying to balance home learning, supporting key worker children and then trying to safely re-open the school. I hope the activities have gone well - I would appreciate any feedback you may have about how it has worked - if it was to happen again is there anything we could do to make it better? Chatting to the children some explanation videos in certain subjects would have helped - this is something I will be suggesting to the rest of the school if we end up in this situation again. Guidance finally arrived this week on how to work and support in the event of a lockdown and much of what they suggest we did work out to do. But I (and we as a school) are keen to learn - so if you get a chance can you let us know what worked well and what could have made it even better - thanks.

It has been a pleasure to teach Class 6 this year and thank you all for your support during these strange times - I am sure the children will settle quickly in to life at Secondary School - certainly the ones I have seen back in school have progressed well and have been far more resilient in the situation than many of the staff!

I will set up a final sumdog competition for the week as well.

Hope you have a lovely summer and manage to get away and have some good family time together. Mr M.


Mrs T - 

Dear Y6
I wanted to tell you all how very proud I am of you all. You are such wonderful little people, and will make the world such a brighter place just being in it! It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with, and get to know you all. 
Have a wonderful summer, be excited about the next part of your journey, and please....come back and see us to let us know how you are getting on! Big hugs, much love and God bless you all!! xxx

Files for week 13th July

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Monday 6th July

2 weeks to go and work continues to go well in school - we have about 2/3 in year 6 now so hopefully this work is still serving the 1/3 of you working from home. We are enjoying the tasks in school and hope you are finding them good at home as well - the children particularly enjoyed finding out about Florida this week but did find the Maths quite hard - I keep pointing out that it is transition Maths and aimed more at year 7 so will be challenging. This week there is a national Sumdog competition on which we have entered - details at the bottom of the plan. Hope you have a good week.

Monday 6th July files

 6 July Weekly Outline of Lessons.pdfDownload
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Monday 29th June

School continues to go well and it is lovely to still see what people are getting up to at home - we are still trying to share work on twitter as we go along. Again I will set up a few tasks on sumdog and prodigy that relate to the Maths work - sumdog is a competition (well done Isobel H for winning last week) and Prodigy is a revision assessment. Plan and work is attached below. Thank you to those who have sent in leaving messages for us to put together - we will be working on it over the next week or so, so there is still time to send them in to the Class 6 email above. Stay safe. Apologies - just realised I've repeated today's Maths lesson so an alternative one is here on areas of triangles:

Work for week beginning 29th June 2020

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Monday 22nd June

It has been lovely to have some of the class back with us in school - it has been different but the children have coped well with the new safety measures. We enjoyed the bbc tasks in school and they seemed to work pretty well - alongside some storytime and a few movies (we are reading the excellent Boy at the Back of the Class and watched A Night To Remember (about the Titanic) and the Rosa Parks story. I have set some tasks for prodigy this week and will run a maths competition for the week on Sumdog. Have a great week. I have added some more files at the bottom for Thursday's handwriting and the poetry lesson on Friday (the link on BBC was not clear which page to do).

Files for week beginning 22nd June

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Monday 15th June

After last weeks false start it does look like we will be back properly in school tomorrow - we are looking forward to seeing those children that are joining us but fully understand those who have decided not to. We are keeping a wary eye on the infection figures for the local area and region and will be making sure we do all we can in class to ensure things keep us all safe - it will certainly be a different experience for all of us. Again the plan is underneath in a word and pdf format - again I am using many of the BBC activities to try and not overwhelm us all with resources - I am looking forward to working with them this week to see how they work in action. I will continue to set short sumdog tasks but we will not be able to do these in class as we are not able to use the lap tops or computers. In terms of the email - myself and Mrs Thornley will both be now working full time in school so will not be as available to deal with queries and work - however we still love seeing what you are up to at home and sharing it all on twitter.

Files for week beginning 15th June

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Monday 8th June

 Hi, hope you have all had a good half term and enjoyed the fine weather early on. Didn't quite expect to be back to working on here - hopefully it won't be for long. Slightly different look to the weekly plan as we hoped to be doing it with most in school. The plan is also attached underneath in a word and pdf version as it seems to lose the formatting when I put it on the actual page. I will add on a sumdog each day related to that days tasks in Maths - so Monday is looking at converting percentages.

Results from our Sumdog Half Term Competitions - well done to all that entered:


Name Class Year Group Rank Questions attempted Questions correct Games played Games won Score
Isobel Healey Class Six Year 6 1 433 406 30 8 406
Jacob Lovatt Class Six Year 6 2 476 362 85 85 362
Isobelle Vine-Jones Class Six Year 6 3 148 104 21 3 104


Name Class Year Group Rank Questions attempted Questions correct Games played Games won Score
Jacob Lovatt Class Six Year 6 1 368 326 49 48 326
Isobel Healey Class Six Year 6 2 234 221 10 8 221
Jessica Bate-Nutsey Class Six Year 6 3 215 204 16 16 204
Isobelle Vine-Jones Class Six Year 6 4 212 179 15 4 179



Name Class Year Group Rank Words attempted Correct words Games played Games won Score
Isobel Healey Class Six Year 6 1 1608 1522 37 26 1522
Ethan Dolan-Draper Class Six Year 6 2 1550 1360 72 1 1360
Marcus Calvert Class Six Year 6 3 899 719 68 16 719
Jessica Bate-Nutsey Class Six Year 6 4 546 523 29 22 523
Isobelle Vine-Jones Class Six Year 6 5 616 514 35 7 514


Files for week beginning 8th June

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Friday 22nd May

 Estimate conclusion - the answer is 79 (no I don't live in a greenhouse!) Have a great half term break.

Hi Y6. Just wanted to say how very proud we are of you all. This has been a very strange, and worrying time, and you guys have been awesome! We have loved seeing all your pictures, videos and emails about all the things you have been doing.  We've missed you all very much! Have a wonderful, well earned break! You really have 'strived for excellence whilst caring for all!' Stay safe and keep smiling!  Lots of love, Team 6 x

Mental Health Awareness Week quote: "I never lose, I either win or learn” Nelson Mandela

Maths – Sumdog – I have set up a competition which started yesterday and will run throughout the Whit holiday – there are actually 3 competitions – Maths, Whit and Spelling.

Today we are looking at equivalent fractions – remember you need to make the denominator (bottom number) the same and whatever you do to the bottom (times or divide) you need to do the same to the top, as before there are 3 different levels depending on how confident you feel – try to complete 2 sections – either A and B or B and C.

Today’s estimate is: How many glass windows are in my house (I do have some doors that have quite a few windows in which will add to the total).

English/Topic – I hope you are enjoying discovering more about the Ancient Greeks through some of their Myths and Legends. Today I would like you to discover the story of Icarus and Daedalus . What I would like you to do is write a re-telling of the story from the point of view of either Daedalus, Icarus or a prison guard.

Science: Interesting session today on the BBC site about Magnets.

Pe – Will keep this on for the week: This week we have entered a competition with Bolton Wanderers for some sport at home.   Bolton Wanderers Community Trust are working in partnership with the EFL Trust to deliver a national initiative called the Joy of Moving Home School Festival.

We are part of one of the biggest ever national initiatives of its kind this May. There are likely to be hundreds of thousands of children taking part.

The Festival consists of a half day (afternoon) timetable of activities for children in Key Stage 2 on the theme of the Joy of Moving. is celebrating the work and we are looking to tweet out the children in action. I have attached the pack underneath today – this does not have to be done today but is there for the week – it would be great to get as many involved as possible – especially as we have some very sporty children amongst us!

It has been great to share some pictures from Isobel doing the tasks – be lovely to see some more – the more we get the more chance we have of winning a prize for school.

Music – Sheet attached from Mrs Hypolite.

Equivalent Fractions

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Thursday 21st May

 The answer to the estimate yesterday was 482 days - I know Jacob L was only 7 days away - did anyone get closer?

Hi everyone,
I've received some excellent dragon description, pictures and stories from many of you.  Particularly well done to Isobel, Jacob L, Jess and Isobelle.  What a creative bunch you are!
Tasks for Thursday 21st May
I have sent a comprehension for you based on the ill-fated mission on the spacecraft Apollo 13. You may have seen the film, if not, try to watch it.
I have also sent some work using the different types of conjunctions.
After the holiday, we will be starting a topic about the Mayan civilization.  You may like to do a little research of your own if you are looking for something extra to do.
Look after yourselves,
Mrs Spencer Peck.
Mrs T afternoon:
Guided Read
So you should be well into your new book. This week, I want you to read another 4 chapters, and design a new front cover. I know this is a favourite task for many of you. It is one of my favourite tasks too. I love to see what picture the book paints inside your head.
Thursday-PE Dance
This week we are going to continue with the street dance theme, using the clip from last week. You should now be on section 3. Don't forget to warm up first!


Joke of the day to make you smile. What has four wheels and flies?

A rubbish truck! (I know, a rubbish joke! Can you do better? I challenge you to make me laugh!) Mrs T x

Thursday 21st May

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Wednesday 20th May

Mental Health Awareness Week quote: "It’s not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend”.  RJ Palacio.

Maths – Sumdog – have set up a competition today – so let’s see who answers the most.

More work on simplifying fractions today. Have a look at the sheet below, as before there are 3 different levels depending on how confident you feel – try to complete 2 sections – either A and B or B and C.

Today’s estimate is: Obviously we all know Mrs T is way older than me but by how many days? I will give you a clue – the answer is in the hundreds not, surprisingly, the thousands. The answer to the sleep question was an impressive 8 hours on the dot – I must have been trying really hard last night!

English/Topic – Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s story about Theseus - sorry I linked the wrong one! so instead today is instead the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops a. Watch this clip about the story:  I would like you to complete a comic strip showing the story – I will attach a comic strip frame for you.

Geography: Interesting session today on the BBC site about Natural Resources and how we use them.

Pe – Will keep this on for the week: This week we have entered a competition with Bolton Wanderers for some sport at home.   Bolton Wanderers Community Trust are working in partnership with the EFL Trust to deliver a national initiative called the Joy of Moving Home School Festival.

We are part of one of the biggest ever national initiatives of its kind this May. There are likely to be hundreds of thousands of children taking part.

The Festival consists of a half day (afternoon) timetable of activities for children in Key Stage 2 on the theme of the Joy of Moving. is celebrating the work and we are looking to tweet out the children in action. I have attached the pack underneath today – this does not have to be done today but is there for the week – it would be great to get as many involved as possible – especially as we have some very sporty children amongst us!

It has been great to share some pictures from Isobel doing the tasks – be lovely to see some more – the more we get the more chance we have of winning a prize for school.

Over to Mrs T:

RE Make the Connection.

St Paul writes to the Galatians (Galatians 5:22-23) that, "the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,  patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

Task-Thinking about Mental Health Awareness Week, choose either poetry or art to look at the religious, spiritual and moral expression of the values listed above. This is a task designed to get you to relax, so choose something you will enjoy doing. The main focus of this activity is for you to reflect, express your opinions and relax. Remember-there is no right or wrong answer. If it is your opinion-then it is right for you! Enjoy! x


Joke of the day to make you smile-How do squids get to school?

They take an octoBUS! Mrs T x

Weds 20th May

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Tuesday 19th May

Mental Health Awareness Week quote: "When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind." RJ Palacio

Maths – Sumdog have set up a new assessment that they want us to try – it should be there if you log on to your account and should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Going to revise simplifying fractions today. Remember whatever you do to the top number you must also do to the bottom number so look for a number that goes in to both the top and bottom e.g. 16/20 – 4 goes in to both numbers so divide both by 4 to make 4/5. Have a look at the sheet below, as before there are 3 different levels depending on how confident you feel – try to complete 2 sections – either A and B or B and C.

Today’s estimate is: My fitbit also records my time asleep – how much sleep did I get last night? The answer to the steps question yesterday was: 261,835- again I saw a few close ones.

English/Topic – So I hope you enjoyed the work on Percy Jackson yesterday. Today I want you to look at one of my favourite Greek Myths Odysseus and the Cyclops. Watch this cartoon of the story: – imagine they are going to turn the story in to a blockbuster movie, have a look at some movie posters and design a movie poster for an adaptation of the story.

Pe – Will keep this on for the week: This week we have entered a competition with Bolton Wanderers for some sport at home.   Bolton Wanderers Community Trust are working in partnership with the EFL Trust to deliver a national initiative called the Joy of Moving Home School Festival.

We are part of one of the biggest ever national initiatives of its kind this May. There are likely to be hundreds of thousands of children taking part.

The Festival consists of a half day (afternoon) timetable of activities for children in Key Stage 2 on the theme of the Joy of Moving. is celebrating the work and we are looking to tweet out the children in action. I have attached the pack underneath today – this does not have to be done today but is there for the week – it would be great to get as many involved as possible – especially as we have some very sporty children amongst us!

Over to Mrs Spencer Peck:

Hi everyone, 

I enjoyed reading the research you did on Mary Anning - she was certainly an inspirational woman! Well done in particular to Isobel, Jacob L, Erin, Isobelle and Evie for the detail you put into your work.

I thought we would look at a classic text today. The extract I have sent is from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader- the 3rd book in the Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. You may remember that we read a different extract from this book earlier in the year.

After you have read the extract, you can either write a description of the dragon, or continue to write the story for the next couple of paragraphs.  You may also try drawing the dragon, or making a model out of salt dough or some other material. I look forward to seeing your work and think of you all often, from Mrs Spencer Peck. x

Tuesday 19th May

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Monday 18th May

Maths – Fractions of quantities today. I always think the best way to remember what to do is to think divide by the bottom and times by the top. 

I have set up a prodigy assessment on this area.

Today’s estimate is: since lockdown I have been trying to get out and do a bit more running (mainly 5km distance) how many steps do you think I have done this month up to the end of today? The answer to the fruit bowl question on Friday  was 2150g - I saw a few very close estimates so well done!

English/Topic – This week I want to continue and find out more about some of the Greek Myths and Legends which have influenced modern literature like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and many more besides. We are going to start today with a lesson about Percy Jackson and will move on to 3 other famous stories. My Dad actually expelled the person who is reading this today when he was at college! Which just goes to show we can all make mistakes but learn from them and go and be amazing (and he is a Norwich fan!)

PE– This week we have entered a competition with Bolton Wanderers for some sport at home.   Bolton Wanderers Community Trust are working in partnership with the EFL Trust to deliver a national initiative called the Joy of Moving Home School Festival.

We are part of one of the biggest ever national initiatives of its kind this May. There are likely to be hundreds of thousands of children taking part.

The Festival consists of a half day (afternoon) timetable of activities for children in Key Stage 2 on the theme of the Joy of Moving. is celebrating the work and we are looking to tweet out the children in action. I have attached the pack underneath today – this does not have to be done today but is there for the week – it would be great to get as many involved as possible – especially as we have some very sporty children amongst us!

If you want to tweet you can tag these in:

Ferrero: @JoyofMovingUK (Twitter & Instagram)
EFL Trust: @EFLTrust (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
Bolton Wanderers Community Trust: @OfficialBWCT (Twitter & Instagram)
Key Hashtags:  #JOMHomeFestival & #JoyofMoving

Or you can send pictures to us and we will tweet from school.

It would be fantastic for not only our school, but also for parents to tag Bolton Wanderers Community Trust @OfficialBWCT in any tweets so that people can be seen enjoying this initiative and retweet. As an added incentive there will be a prize (TBC) which could be matchday tickets, sports/PE equipment, 1st Team Player Appearance etc. for the school with the most engagement/tweets that tag/mention Bolton Wanderers Community Trust: @OfficialBWCT​.


Over to Mrs T:

Hi Y6- Missing my Y6 family lots. Keep sending the pictures and videos in, they make me smile! Mrs T x

PSHE Mental Health Awareness Week

This week, I want you to read the document attached from Mrs. Bowman. During this very difficult and challenging time, it is so important that we support each other, and be kind to others and ourselves.

This week you will start your PSHE task on Monday, as it should carry on through the week. If you would like to do something extra in the Wednesday time slot, you can create a Power Point of all the tasks you have done.

I know how lovely and kind you all are so can't wait to see what you do for others this week!


Monday-Big Maths

 1. In a sale, there is twenty-five per cent off all prices.

A bed costs thirty- three pounds in the sale.
How much was it before the sale?



 2. What is the mean of these numbers?

                       2 ,  6 ,  9 ,  7



 3. A packet of biscuits costs forty-seven pence.

Josh buys two packets. How much change does he get from one pound?



 4. Calculate the perimeter of a regular hexagon which has a side of 8 cm long.



 5. A tv programme starts at quarter past 4 in the afternoon and lasts for 50 minutes. What time does it finish?



Joke of the day to make you smile-What did the science book say to the maths book?

Wow-you've got problems! Mrs T x


Positive message of the day:

It is not enough to be kind, one should be kinder than needed - RJ Palacio

Monday 18th May

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Friday 15th May

Maths – I am seeing some really good work on fractions so I hoping understanding is developing – I will set a fractions assessment on to test what we have been doing. Today we are looking at dividing fractions by integers – again there is a very easy way to solve these – see if the children can remember it.

Today’s estimate is: at home I have a fruit bowl with 2 oranges, 4 apples, 3 kiwi fruit, 2 pears and 3 plums in it – how much do you think it weighs?

English/Topic – We are continuing to find out more about the Ancient Greeks – I saw some super vases and plates and have also seen a few excellent presentations on the work done so far. Today we are looking at how the Ancient Greeks have influenced modern life – you may be surprised at quite how much. research a modern building in Bolton that has a design influenced by the Ancient Greeks and do a sketch of it.

Science – Have a look at adaptation – this page has lots of clips to learn from and some activities to complete:

Music: - Mrs Hypolite has sent a lesson for KS2 which you may like to have a go at – some singing. I have attached a word and pdf version of the lesson below.

English: - You may want to do this today or you could do it over the weekend if you prefer. This lesson on recounts from the BBC is excellent with some top tips on writing them from people like children’s laureate Michael Rosen (who has been very poorly recently with coronavirus – he is still in hospital but is making good progress). I want you then to look at Activity 2 about Amelia Earhart – have a go at writing a recount about her trip as if you are her.

Friday 15th May

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Thursday 14th May

Mrs Thornley has put money back in the meter now so her internet is back up and running so email to: please

Morning - Mrs Spencer-Peck

 Hello Y6, following on from the work about fossils, I am sending some information about paleontology - the study of fossils. 

When you have completed the comprehension, I'd like you to write a paragraph or two about one of the first paleontologists Mary Anning.


Afternoon - Mrs Thornley:

Guided Read
You should now have chosen a new book to complete reading activities with. I would like you to read 8 chapters of your chosen book and give me a brief summary of what has happened so far.
PE Dance
Ok, so how is the street dancing going? Do we have anyone ready to be the next Diversity? This week we are going to continue with the street dance theme, using the clip from last week.
Have a go at section 2. Don't forget to warm up!
Joke of the day to make you smile- why do bananas have to wear sun cream when they go to the beach?
Because they might peel! Mrs T x

 The answer to yesterday's estimate about how many radiators I have is.....13 - well done if you got it right!

Thursday 14th May

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Wednesday 13th May

Hi – Mrs T has run out of change to put in the meter so is struggling to get on the network (I think that is what she said) so if you can send any emails to the email for today.

Maths – Today we are looking at multiplying fractions by fractions. This page has some guides and worksheet  . This is one of those where it is easier to work out than it looks! I will also set up a  assessment on the same area.

Today’s estimate is: how many radiators do I have in my house? The answer to yesterday’s estimate was 23! Lots of double doors and one on the hub in the Orchard! I know Jacob L was one away - anybody get it spot on?

English/Topic – Today we are looking at the Ancient Greeks and what we know about their culture. Have a look at this: I would like you to pick either a plate, a mask or a vase and design one of your own. I don’t know what resources you will have at home but you could have a go at trying to make one if you have playdough, clay, cardboard? Don’t worry if you haven’t but I would love to see what you come up with and share them on twitter. = I shared some super work from Isobelle VJ yesterday on the @6Ringley page.

Geography BBC lesson here on sustainability and plastics – I don’t recommend doing all the activities – I would pick the one you fancy the most and do that – better to do one well than rush 3 different ones.

Over to Mrs T for the afternoon:


 RE-Discover the Impact

Think about Pentecost. Pentecost is about inspiration and transformation. The disciples were inspired and transformed; Christians through the ages have been inspired and transformed by the Holy Spirit. Who? How? Think about famous Christians-pick one, and tell me why they might inspire you. If I had to choose my most inspirational Christian, it would be Corrie Ten Boom. Her story is incredible! Feel free to use this example, or find one of your own.

PSHE-To think about the effects of the destruction of the rainforests

The unit we look at this half term is Citizenship and Environmental Unit. I always adapt the plan to cover self care, and relaxation techniques, as it can be a stressful time for Y6, which is why we have looked at lots of self care, feeling awareness, and people that can support us activities. This week I want you to extend that care to the world. The damage we, mankind, are inflicting. Think about these questions:

Why is deforestation the biggest cause of forest destruction?

What are the causes of destruction of the rainforest?

Why are rainforests so important to our global environment?


Why do people keep destroying the rainforests?

Joke of the day to make you smile-What happened when the shark became famous?

He became a starfish! Mrs T x

Tuesday 12th May

Maths – Hope the fractions are going well – today we are looking at multiplying fractions and mixed numbers. This page has some guides, 2 worksheets to complete and a game at the bottom to practice -  . I will also set up a assessment on the same area.

Today’s estimate is: how many cupboard doors are in the Orchard room off the ICT suite? The answer to yesterday’s estimate was 20946!

English/Topic – Today we are looking at the Ancient Greeks at war -

2 tasks today – I would like you to draw and label a picture of a Greek soldier and I would like you to watch these clips of the Trojan Horse: and – I would like you to write a newspaper report for the Trojan Times reporting on the trick and defeat.


Hello Y6,
there were some very creative snapshots of Russia from Erin, Jacob L, Evie and Alfie D. Isobelle - I believe you have learned some Russian, we'll done! Isobel, your huge map of Russia was fantastic, I loved it!
Today I have sent a comprehension about fossils and some spelling practise. You could write onto the sheet, or just copy out the correct spellings onto your book, the way we do in class. 
Have a great day, from Mrs Spencer Peck.

Tuesday 12th May

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Monday 11th May

Happy Monday – hope you had a good bank holiday weekend. Lots of interactive BBC lessons to start off the week – had we been in school it would have been a very different week for us all as we were due to do the SATs this week – I may well set up a chocolate fountain on Friday just so I can have my usual highlight of the week!

Maths – I have set up a fractions assessment on but you may want to have a go at the end of the session as that is what we are looking at today using:

We will have a bit of a focus on fractions up to half term as the assessments are showing are still not quite grasping it all yet.

Today’s estimate is: how many days do you think Mr Southern has been on this earth?

ICT – The purple mash lesson last week proved a bit complicated – it is much easier to use in school when we can model on the board. So have a look at this lesson on algorithms and debugging set up by the BBC -

English/Topic – Hope the work on the Ancient Greeks is going well – I have seen some great examples on twitter – please keep tweeting them to us as I love seeing how you are getting on – even if there was too much cheese in your salad Katie (any cheese is too much!)

Today we are finding out about Greek Gods and Goddesses – have a look at this page: then I would like you to watch this you tube clip about the labours of Heracles: What I would like you to do is design your own labour for Heracles and tell us the story of it.

French: 3 clips about life at school in France today:


And now over to Mrs T for some Big Maths:

Hi Y6. Wow-I have been blown away by the work and effort shown by you guys! You make us all very proud! Keep smiling! Mrs T x

Monday-Big Maths

1. Four times a number is thirty two.

What is the number?

2.           14 +        ?      = 80 ÷ 4

3.           ( 16 ÷ 4 ) x ( 7 – 4 ) =


4. What is 42 divided by 6?


5. What is the remainder when forty-three is divided by six?

6. What number is half-way between thirteen and thirty-one?

7. The coordinates of a square are;

        (7,2),  (7,7),  (2,7) and (?,?)

8. What is twenty-three multiplied by eight?

9.                           141 ÷ 3 =

10. what is double fifteen point five?


Joke of the day to make you smile-Who gives sharks presents at Christmas? Santa Jaws! Mrs T x

Thursday 7th May

 Morning - answer to yesterday's estimate (size of my kitchen table) the answer was 19,000 cm2 - I know Jacob L was 2200 away - anyone closer?

Hello everyone,
I hope you are enjoying the sunshine as well as working hard. I was really impressed with the character profiles and the drawing of Ivan too, Sofiya. Isabelle VJ, the questions you wrote for Ivan were genius - well done!
I would like you to complete the fact file about Russia, as this is where the story is set. You can use the template I've sent, or do your own layout on a big piece of paper, you choose. 
I am anxious that you don't forget the spellings we have been learning this year. I would like you to practise those and choose 20 of the ones you are least familiar with and put them into your own sentences. I've sent a copy of the list home a couple of times, but if you can't find it, just Google the Y5/6 spelling list from the National Curriculum.
Have a great week, from Mrs Spencer Peck x

Over to Mrs T for the afternoon:

Thursday Guided Read
This week I want you to choose a book you love, your favourite book of all time. If you do not have a copy of that book, don't worry you should still be able to complete the task. Think about your favourite character in the story. Why is this particular character your favourite? Did the author make your character likeable? Funny? Brave? Mischievous? Now-imagine that character in your mind. What characteristics does your character have? 
Task a- design a Top Trumps card for your character. Try to list at least 6 characteristics you would include. 
Task b-choose another book for next week to start that we will complete tasks with.
Thursday PE-Dance
Think about all the work we have done on different types of dance recently. This week we are going to explore Street Dance. Watch this clip.
I want you to have a go at completing section 1. Remember to use the warm up you created last week before you start, and as always-have fun! Dance like nobody is watching! Let yourselves go!
Joke of the day to make you smile-Why was the broom late?
It over-swept. Mrs T x (Ok, I know it isn't cool to laugh at your own jokes, but I'm still howling with laughter at this one!!!)

Thursday 7th May

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Wednesday 6th May

PE Joe Wicks has had an operation so is currently directing his wife on the fitness routines – feel free to check it out at 9.00 on youtube.

Maths – BBC bitesize seem to be focusing on fractions this week so I suggest looking at this lesson on comparing and ordering them: - I will set up a task on based around the same theme. The answer to yesterday’s estimate was exactly £2,000,000 – so if you were close well done. Today’s estimate is what is the surface area in cm2 of the table in my kitchen diner? To give you a bit of a clue at Christmas we can fit 10 people round it.

English/Topic – today we are finding out what it was like to live as a family in Ancient Greece – compare it to what it is like in your family today – think about the same areas for you. Pick one area you are interested in – fashion, food etc and do some more research on that area and produce a factfile page on that area. This page will help you:

History – on Friday we would have been celebrating VE day – you still might be but it will be a bit different to what was planned. I have attached a comprehension to find out a bit more about what the day signifies – these were provided by Tom Palmer who wrote DDay Dog the book we read earlier in the year. I have also added a sheet where you can make some bunting that you might fancy for outside your house.

RE-Discover the Impact

We (Christians) believe that the Holy Spirit is active today. How? Look at these bible verses. Romans 8:26, Revelations 2:7, John 16:13 and 1 Corinthians 2:10. Google some hymns and worship songs. What do Christians sing about the Holy Spirit?

Task- Write a prayer to thank God for the Holy Spirit. Tell Him why Christians are so grateful for the Holy Spirit.

Remember, when we talk to God we can use any of the many names we know Him by that we feel comfortable with.


PSHE-Develop the strategies I have to keep me calm.

Now, more than ever it is important to be mindful of how we feel. We need to accept that it is ok not to be ok. It is ok to be scared and worried. It is important to know that there is always someone we can turn to, a parent, a friend, a relative, staff from school, if ever we needed to share our worries. 

We have completed meditation sessions in school, and you have practiced one session at home. This is a skill that I would like you to develop. Self-care is as important as anything else we are all doing currently. 

Task-complete a meditation session. Take yourself to your quiet spot, where you will not be disturbed. Play some quiet soothing music, and focus on your breathing. This is a key feature in meditation, the control of each breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Remember to try to visualise your worries drifting away in whatever image you like. A boat floating away, a cloud, on the wings of a butterfly. And relax..........

Joke of the day to make you smile-What did one hat say to the other?
Stay here, I’m going on ahead. Mrs T x

Wednesday 6th May

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Tuesday 5th May

PE Joe Wicks has had an operation on his hand so is currently directing his wife on the fitness routines – feel free to check it out at 9.00 on youtube.

Maths – I have set up a multiplication assessment on Sumdog as we are looking at that today – again you may want to do it after doing the work. We have not had an estimate for a while so – there are not too many houses on the market at the moment so if I was to do a search for the most expensive house within 5 miles of where I live (remember I am about 12 miles away from school) how much do you think it will be up for? Answer tomorrow - although you can email it in.

Today’s maths is on multiplication. Remember always estimate what the answer will be before you work it out (will make it much easier on place value with decimals). With decimal questions I find it easier to think money to solve the problems as it often makes them easier to calculate, also remember that adding a 0 can sometimes help: 0.6 divided by 5,  becomes much easier when you make it 0.60  divided by 5.

English:  Earlier this year we read DDay Dog by Tom Palmer - he is doing a live facebook chat tomorrow between 10 and 11 which he has invited us to, if anyone wants to ask any questions about the text or his writing. He also writes the Roy of the Rovers books and (sadly) is a Leeds fan! You can find the chat here:

English/Topic – The Ancient Greeks – the legacy lives on. One way we see this is in the Olympic Games which was an event the Ancient Greeks created. I want you to find out more about the Olympics in Ancient Greece and find out what events still happen. This webpage will help your research: I would like you to design a poster for an Ancient Greek Olympic Games showing some of the events – although be careful with the wrestling please (especially some of you talented artists!)

Afternoon Mrs Spencer-Peck:

Happy Tuesday Y6!

Firstly, well done to Alfie D, Jess, Sofiya, Marcus and Jacob L - the summaries of The Firebird stories were really great. I know that wasn't an easy task. The drawings of the Firebird were so detailed too - Sofiya, yours was better than the real one on the cover! I was also impressed with the spelling work you had done Alfie - a great score.

 Today I've sent a character profile for you to fill in of Ivan from The Firebird story. You could also draw him if you like.

I've also sent a sheet for you to practise putting apostrophes in the correct place. All the sentences are from the Firebird story too, so we are sticking with the theme this week!

Finally, I've sent the answers to the comprehension you did last week.

I'm so proud of you all - I know you are working hard. Take care, love Mrs SP.

Tuesday 5th May

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Monday 4th May

Happy Monday – hope you had a good weekend.

Maths – I have set up a fractions assessment on Sumdog but you may want to have a go at the end of the session as that is what we are looking at today using:

I know one or two of you are still finding fractions a bit tricky so hopefully this will help.

Well done to Isobel H who finished in the top 10 in the Manchester Maths Weeks Sumdog competition - I have attached your certificate underneath today's work.

ICT – this is quite long but links to 2diy on Purple Mash - the sheet is at the bottom of today's update.


English/Topic – I would like us to find out more about the Ancient Greeks. I want you to create a powerpoint or topic book that you will add to each day. First off I want you to find out who were the Ancient Greeks – this site should be a good starting point: I’ve been to both of the temples pictured! Use this article but find out more about the Ancient Greeks from other sources.


Hi Class 6-I am loving seeing the work you are doing and some great pictures too! It's lovely to read about what you have been doing. Keep smiling! Mrs T x


Monday Big Maths 

So this week we are back to trying to answer these questions as quickly as you can-ask an adult to check your answers and complete any corrections.


1. What are the next two numbers?

       26.4 ,  22.4 , 18.4 , 14.4 ,  … ,  ...


2. What is seven squared?



3. Two factors of 28 add up to 9. What are they?


4. How many millilitres are there in two and a half litres?


5. Multiply 62 by 100.



6. Which is the smallest number?

    13    0.13    1.03    0.103   1.3 


7. What is two thirds of 24?



8. What is seven tenths as a percentage?


9. What is one-half added to five-eighths?


10. Three sweets cost 18p altogether.
How much do seven sweets cost?

Joke of the day to make you smile-Do you know what the date is today?

Yep- Luke Skywalker told me- May the 4th be with you! Mrs T x


French – have a look at this clip to practice speaking about yourself:


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May 4th ICT

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Friday 1st May

Happy Friday.

Start off with a PE work out – try this:

Maths I want us to look at BIDMAS and order of operations – I have set up an assessment on but you might want to try it at the end of the lesson to show me how you have done. BBC have a lesson on this from yesterday: . Well done to Isobel H, Jessica, Harry, Jacob L, Oliver, Ethan, Marcus and Magimae who completed the 1000 questions in the Manchester Sumdog competition, Jack, Isobelle VJ and Alfie L were over 500. Waiting on final results but we look like we are finishing in the top 10 out of 91 classes which is a great achievement and Isobel H is hanging on in the top 10 pupils out of 2,253.

Science: Bitesize have a good session on mixing, dissolving and separation which is interesting and informative:

Topic – back to our animals, hopefully you have found out all about your animal and where it comes from. What I would like you to do today is to compare today’s weather in Chester with the weather in where the animal comes from. Then look at the climate throughout the year – how does it compare to ours? How do the monthly temperatures and rainfall vary? Try and produce some graphs (using your excel skills) to compare temperature and rainfall. Think about the best way to present it.

English – have a go at this lesson on hyphens and dashes with some great practical activities to help you to learn:

Music - if you fancy you can have a look at this session on duration, tempo and Beethoven - there are some fun clips and interactive activities to have a go at:

Have a good weekend.

Thursday 30th April

Hello everyone,

firstly I just want to say a few thank you's for the effort you are putting in. Jack : your drawings and presentation were superb, Isobel : an excellent summary of The Firebird (and I've been cleaning the decking too) Erin and Jess : such a lot of work (and baking) completed - well done! And well done to the rest of you who I'm sure are keeping busy.

I'm sending 2 comprehensions based on the reading you did on Tuesday about The Firebird.

Some of the answers you will find easily and some you will need to use inference (just use the clues in the text and write what you THINK the answer could be).

Stay safe, love Mrs Spencer Peck.


In the afternoon Mrs T:

This week I would like you to finish the book you are reading and then complete a book review.


So last week we looked at why it was important to warm up before exercise. Many of you identified the types of injuries that can be caused if we don't warm up properly. Have a look on Google and see if you can get some ideas to create a 10 minute warm up for someone of your age before exercising-then create your own warm up. Try it out and let me know how you get on!

Joke of the day to make you smile-What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground beef! Mrs T x

April 30th

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Wednesday 29th April

Halfway through the week!

Maths – there is a sumdog competition on for Manchester schools so I would like you to answer another 200 questions today towards it – I will give a shout out to each person that completes it each day. Well done for all the work yesterday – we were the highest performing class in Manchester! So far Isobel H, Jessica, Harry, Jacob L, Isobelle VJ, Magimae, Charlie, Alfie L, Oliver, Harley, Ethan, Jack, Oliver, Kenan, Erin and Louis have done 200 – Isobel H is leading the way with 816 which places her 91st in the competition so far… In Maths today we are revising multiplication (including decimals) – sheet underneath this section.

Our new topic is based around animals –hopefully you have picked an animal to base your work on – today I want you to try and find out more about how zoos (and game keepers in the wild) actually look after and protect your animal. How much and what do they need to feed them? How do they protect them? How do they ensure that they produce young to ensure the species survives? How do they keep them clean and clear of infection? How do they maintain their habitat in the zoo?

English – follow this BBC bitesize session on commas, brackets and dashes

In the afternoon it is Mrs T:

 RE-Discover the impact

Think about the symbolism used for the Holy Spirit. Wind? Breath? Fire? Why do you think these things have been chosen to be symbols of the Holy Spirit? Which symbol would you choose?

Task-Draw me a picture of your symbol and explain why you chose it. See if you can think of any bible verses that would support your choice.

 PSHE-Reflect on the impact of inspiration.

Watch the film Apollo 13. If you cannot get access to the film, there are clips available on You Tube, ask an adult to supervise this.

Task-Think about how the astronauts coped with the looming calamity they faced. What did they do? Who did they turn to? Did they believe they would be brought back home safely?

Think about who in our own lives that we could turn to that we know would never let us down, and always support us. How does this make us feel? How did the astronauts in the film feel when they knew they were being supported?

Joke of the day to make you smile-What do you call a sad strawberry?

A blueberry.

Mrs T x

29th April

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Tuesday 28th April

More Joe Wicks to start us off - he is on youtube.

Maths – there is a sumdog competition on for Manchester schools so I would like you to answer 200 questions today towards it – I will give a shout out to each person that completes it each day. So far Isobel H, Jessica, Harry, Jacob L, Isobelle VJ, Magimae, Charlie, Alfie L, Oliver, Harley and Louis have done 200 – Isobel H is leading the way with 595 which places her 95th in the competition so far… In Maths today we are revising long multiplication and division – sheet underneath this section. BBC bitesize daily has some good explanation videos for long multiplication on today -

ICT I would like you to do sections from where you were up to with 2coding on purple mash.

Our new topic is based around animals –hopefully you have picked an animal to base your work on – I saw some great diagrams and factfiles yesterday – we have some very good artists in class clearly. What I want you to find out more about today is the country I would mainly find the animal you have picked – what is life like in that country, what is the capital, population, climate, how many animals are there in the wild in that country, who is the leader of the country, what currency do they use, can you find out what language they speak, is there a national dish – how do you make it? Again it would be great to see some examples of what you find out. Again BBC bitesize daily has some activities on mapping the world which may help with today's task:

In the afternoon it is Mrs Spencer-Peck:

Hello Y6,

First of all, I need to say a huge thank-you to Marcus, Jack, Katie, Jacob L and Jessica for their fantastic work about rivers. It was so neat and well planned and full of interesting information. Well done!

I’m sending a story today, ‘The Firebird.’  We will be using this story over the next couple of weeks, so don’t delete it!

You don’t need to read the story all in one go, but when you have read it, I’d like you to summarise the story in your own words – about 150 words will be enough.

Now have a go at drawing a bird – I’ve sent a guide to help you. Follow the steps carefully and decorate it if you like.

I’ll be in touch soon, from Mrs S.P.

28th April

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Monday 27th April

A new week. Hope you have checked out the message from all the staff – it is on Facebook, Twitter and the home page of this website.

Joe Wicks can kick off our morning to get the energy flowing – he is on youtube.

Maths – there is a sumdog competition on for Manchester schools so I would like you to answer 200 questions today towards it – I will give a shout out to each person that completes it each day. We are then looking at negative numbers – we did this look at this early on in the Autumn Term so hopefully it will be a bit of revision. Remember we find negative numbers in bank balances and temperatures so it is worth having an understanding of this area. I have managed to work out how to use this website, finally, and have added the sheet underneath this text rather than at the bottom of the page for once!

Our next topic is based around animals – I want you to put together a project/topic based on an animal of your choice from Chester Zoo – there is a list here: I would like you to pick a more an unusual animal – maybe one you have never heard of before – so that over the next week or so you can become an expert on that creature through the work you do.  First up I want you to produce a sketch and factfile of your animal for younger children visiting the zoo – include a few basic facts such as size, weight, height, where it is found etc.

French – have a look at this clip on the BBC to learn about talking about yourself:

Then over to Mrs T for the afternoon:

Hi Y6! Hope you all had a great weekend! x

Big Maths-

There are only five today, as these are designed to make you think a bit more than the previous questions. Rather than using speed today, take a little more time to think about how to answer the questions. 


1. In a sale, there is twenty per cent off all prices.
A tv costs £40 in the sale.
How much was it before the sale?



2. What is the range of these numbers?

              28 ,  13 ,  14 ,  17 ,  23




3. When h has the value 6, calculate          9h ÷ 2




4. Two angles in a triangle add up to 78 degrees.

What is the size of the third angle?




5. A rectangle measures 18cm by 3cm.
What is its area?



Joke of the day to make you smile-What did one DNA strand ask the other DNA strand?
Do these genes look okay? Mrs. T x

Negative Numbers

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Friday 24th April

We’ve made it to Friday, for PE I recommend a Joe Wicks to get you moving and then I suggest practicing a new skill with a ball (and a bat if you want) – try and get a short clip doing a skill you could not do before with the ball – you can upload it on to our twitter for us all to see.

Maths we are reviewing further the calculation work we did earlier in the year – I have set up a 40 question test on and then there is a sheet at the bottom of the page to do. Don’t have to complete it all – do a few from each section to refresh and revise your skills.

Geography/English topic we are looking at mountains – today I want us to look at Volcanoes. This article tells you a bit more about a recent eruption in Indonesia  There is also this one on BBC Bitesize: I want you to have a go at drawing and labelling a volcano – you can share the pictures with us on twitter or send them in and we can. I want you to find out about how and why volcanoes occur and where some of the main active volcanoes are in the world.

Couple of different things for the afternoon – a lesson on BBC about moving up to Secondary School looks interesting:  and then a music session on singing: again we would love to see some of you in action if you feel confident enough to record yourself singing along and sharing it with us!

For homework a Manchester based competition has started – running until 30th April – the challenge is to answer 1000 questions as accurately as you can – I will set this during the week for Maths tasks as well – so would be great to see as many of you on there as possible.

Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday 23rd April

Hello everyone, 
thank you so much for your incredible work on the rivers - I was really impressed with the effort some of you had put in to find the information and the drawings were amazing too!
I've sent some work based on commas as this is an important part of grammar and we need to keep our skills sharp (at the bottom of this page).
When you have completed the sheets, write a paragraph to tell me about what you have been up to over the last couple of weeks. Remember to use commas! 
If you would like to send me your work, I'd love to read it.
Take care, from Mrs S.P

Thursday Guided Read

Read the next 6 chapters in your chosen book. Your task this week is to find a quiet, comfy spot to read, and tell me where that is. Mine is in the garden on my hammock, if it is sunny! 

Thursday PE Dance To understand why, and how we need to warm up before any type of exercise.

Think about the work we have done previously in Science about the body. What happens when we exercise to our heart rate, muscles, breathing? Why is it important to warm up? Why do athletes warm up? Think about types of injuries, the importance of stretching, and why is it important to have good breathing whilst exercising.  Use google to gather information. You will need this next week to create your own 10 minute warm up.

Joke of the day to make you smile-Why were bikes suspended from school?
They spoke too much. Mrs. T x

Wednesday 22nd April

As it is a Wednesday we usually have Mr Fenton in school to lead some PE sessions – so I have linked one that he has recorded for us to have a go at:  it is only a short 10 minute warm up task.

Maths we are reviewing the calculation work we did earlier in the year – I have set up a 20 question assessment on addition up to a million and then there is a sheet at the bottom of the page to do. Don’t have to complete it all – do a few from each section to refresh and revise your skills.

Geography/English topic we are looking at mountains – today I want us to look at something very near us that is nearly a mountain – Winter Hill. I want you to find out a bit about the History and Geography of the place so research these questions:

  • How close is it to being a mountain?
  • How does it compare in size to the mountains you have researched?
  • What does it have that makes it a popular tourist destination?
  • What important service does it provide for us?
  • Look in to the history of the hill – there are a few monuments on the hill you could find out about – one to do with a murder and one to do with a plane crash. What happened? When?
  • If you were in charge of leisure and tourism how could you make it a more popular and profitable destination?

Science - some work today from BBC bitesize on the solar system - this has some videos and interactive activities for the children to complete: - 

In the afternoon it is over to Mrs Thornley:

Hi Y6 I'm really impressed with the effort made on the work sent in! Keep it up an stay safe! We miss you lots! x

Wednesday RE Unit 6.5 Ascension and Pentecost

Key Question-In what way do these events and beliefs, (Ascension and Pentecost) make Christianity distinctive?

Explore the Text-The Ascension of Jesus into heaven, (Acts 1:1-11). This is the departure of Christ from earth into the presence of God.

Task-Go onto Google and look at artists' interpretations of this event, e.g. John Singleton Copley 1775, Dosso Dossi 16th Century,, Miki de Goodaboom. Feel free to look at some others. Do these images really reflect the event? If yes, how, why? If no, how not, why not? Give me a brief explanation of your opinion. Next, either explain or create what your artistic mind would produce for the Ascension of Jesus.

Wednesday PSHE Know that my relationships are all different and that different ways of behaving are appropriate

Key Questions-Who is important to me? Why? What is my favourite circle?

Think about all the friends we have, all the people we know, and where we met them, school, out of school activities, family friends etc. Think about whether we like them all in the same way, how much time we like to spend with them, and what activities.


Task- Label 4 concentric circles, people I love, good friends, people I know well and acquaintances. Think about meanings and which people would fall into what category, i.e. postman would be acquaintance. Reflect on how we behave differently with these groups of people. Why? What influences our behaviour? Respect? Familiarity?

Joke of the day to make you smile-How do elves learn how to spell?

They study the elf-abet. Mrs. T x

Tuesday 21st April

We did a Joe Wicks in school yesterday and it certainly gets the heart rate up so I would recommend them still.

Maths we are reviewing the place value work we did earlier in the year – I have set up a 50 question assessment and then there is a sheet at the bottom of the page to complete.

Geography/English topic we have been looking at Mountains but the BBC bitesize work today on settlements fits in quite well with the objectives for it so have a look at this today:

In the afternoon it is over to Mrs Spencer-Peck:

Hi everyone,


I've sent a comprehension about rivers for you to complete.

 When you have finished, I'd like you to think about a river you would like to visit/travel on. It could be: the Nile, the Danube, the Amazon, or another one of your own choice.  You could then either list 10 interesting facts about it, OR create a poster full of information, drawings or pictures to show what you have found out about the river.

If you can, email your work - I'd love to see it!

I'm missing you all, love Mrs SP.

Monday 20th April

Happy Monday. Well done to Isobel and Marcus who both answered over 200 questions on the homework.  Some exercise to kick us off with a bit of Joe Wicks. 

Maths is a number review so I have set up a place value practice on and then there is a sheet at the bottom - no sections this time so just work through and answer as many as you can - if you are finding a part really easy move on to the next part.

English - BBC bitesize have started with daily lessons so I have had a look at the English for that day and think it looks worth working through: 

Geography/English topic - we have looked at Kilimanjaro and Everest so today I would like you to look at some mountains closer to us, namely: Scafell Pike, Ben Nevis and Snowdon - known as the 3 peaks. I want you to find out (and produce a factfile for each)

  • How tall are they?
  • Which countries/counties would I find them? 
  • Many people try to climb all 3 in a day - find out about this - what are the costs involved? What equipment would I need? Can you find a blog from someone who has done it?
  • What is the weather like in each location?
  • Each have had problems with tourism - Snowdon quite famously just before lockdown - what are they doing to protect and preserve the mountains? How do they make money from tourism? 

Mrs Thornley afternoon work:

Hi Y6 I hope you had a lovely weekend-keep smiling! x
Monday-Big Maths-try to answer these as quickly as you can. Ask an adult can look them over and see how you did, and complete any corrections if necessary. 

1.                ?   + 75 = 360 ÷ 3

2.       ( 8 x 4 ) - ( 5 x 2 ) =


3. What is 117 divided by 9?


4. What number is half-way between thirteen and forty-one?

5.       1724 ÷ 4 =

6. Calculate 10.5 – 4.7


7. What is three-sevenths of sixty-three?

8. What is forty multiplied by seventy?

9. What temperature is twelve degrees lower than -3°C ?

10. Six cakes cost £6.00.

How much do five cakes cost?

Joke of the day to make you smile-Why can’t your hand be 12 inches long?
Because then it would be a foot.

Friday 17th April.

Some PE to start is off – the website has some really fun activities – grab yourself a chair and have a go at the mountain bike challenge in front of the screen. We had a go in school the other day and it is harder work than it looks! I would love to see some pictures/clips of you giving it a go – hopefully the imove website will share them as well so you might go viral with a good clip!

Maths I have set up a 100 question multiplication challenge to refresh this vital skill. We are then applying this to look at multiplication pyramids – remember the number in the pyramid is the product of the 2 below it.

Continuing with our Geography/English topic on Mountains and Rocks I want you to find out more about another of the biggest mountain in the world: Mount Kilimanjaro. I want you to complete another factifile to compare it to your work on Everest so think about:


Where is it? Continent and countries it covers?

How would you get there? How much would it cost?

How high is it?

What is the weather like there – how does it differ to Everest?

Find out about someone who has climbed Kilimanjaro – comic relief sent some celebrities up a few years ago so you may be able to find some clips about them doing it?

Plan a trip to climb Kilimanjaro – what kit would I need in comparison to Everest. Where would I stay? How long would it take to climb?

I was really impressed with some of the work I saw on Everest so keep it up.

A bit of science for the afternoon (or over the weekend if you prefer) have a look at this great website about electrical circuits – lots to learn, practice and test your knowledge: (you will need to enable flash player)

I will set up a multiplication quiz for the weekend as well. Hope the sun keeps shining. A Mr Moorhouse joke for the weekend:

Why did the banana go to the hospital?

He wasn’t peeling well.

(might leave them to Mrs T from now on!)


 Thursday 16th April

Mrs Spencer-Peck work: 

Hello Y6,

I hope you've enjoyed Easter and haven't eaten all of your eggs just yet!
I've sent a short comprehension about a chick, as I felt it was quite topical at the moment.
 I've also sent a little bit of grammar work for you based on relative clauses 
(remember : who, whose, which, whom and that are all useful words when writing relative clauses).
Just do your best, from Mrs Spencer Peck.

Mrs Thornley afternoon work:

Guided Read-Read another two chapters of your book, and this week, you can do your favourite task, design a new front cover!
PE-Dance- This week think about interpretive dance. How can you move your body to reflect your feelings? What kind of movements would you use if you were angry, sharp, quick, snappy movements? Either write or create a short routine to express a chosen emotion. Remember-dance is all about personal interpretation, so whatever you create will be perfect!
Joke of the day to make you smile-Why are ghosts such bad liars?
You can see right through them.

Wednesday 15th April.


Welcome back after your Easter Break – hope you didn’t eat too many eggs and are keeping active.

Well done to our top 5 in the Sumdog Easter competition:

1st Isobel H

2nd Jack S

3rd Jessica BN

4th Isobelle VJ

5th Jacob Lovatt

The top 2 both managed over a thousand questions during Easter - well done both!

After all those eggs I would recommend doing a Joe Wicks today on youtube. He does it at 9am but you can check it out at any time during the day.

Maths is back on to mean – I have set a challenge on – 50 questions. Then there are 2 sheets at the bottom – sections A-C – have a look at the example and, depending on how confident you feel, try out 2 sections. Mrs T has spotted a mistake on question 6 on A - make the Wednesday 11 not 10!

Topic – I hope you learnt a lot in our History/English topic on World War 2 try out this quiz to test your knowledge:

We are now moving on to a Geography/English topic on Mountains and Rocks. First up I want you to find out more about the biggest mountain in the world: Mount Everest. I want you to complete a factifile so think about:

  • Where is it? Continent and countries it covers?
  • How would you get there? How much would it cost?
  • How high is it?
  • It grows by a certain amount each year – how does this happen?
  • Find out about someone who has climbed Everest?
  • Plan a trip to climb Everest – what kit would I need? Research it and work out how much you think it would cost to kit us out for an expedition (Alfie you should be good at this!)

Over to Mrs T for the afternoon work:

Hi guys, I hope you had a nice Easter break, and didn't eat too much chocolate!
RE New Unit Ascension and Pentecost
Key Question-Why are these two events so important?
Think about what you know of Ascension and Pentecost. You may not remember a lot of the finer details. If you search for Ascension and Pentecost for children on You Tube, you will get a good range of clips.
Task-Write a paragraph about each event, explaining why you think it is important. Think about how the disciples would have felt, what were His final instructions to the disciples?

L.O. Recognise times when I get stressed or anxious and learn how to manage these feelings.

As we are all aware, these is a strange time, for everyone. You are not alone, as the adults feel it just like you do. It is important to remember that it is ok to be worried, and have questions about what is going on in our world, as this is how we  help ourselves feel better. Another way is to practice self calming techniques. 
We have done meditation sessions in class before, but this time I want you to have a go on your own. Take yourself off into a quiet space, and try to play some relaxing music-You Tube has some great selections. Try to concentrate on your breathing, in through the nose and out through the mouth...remember to visualise all your worries in a boat, tied to a dock, and you are going to cut that rope, and let your worries drift away. 
Joke of the day to make you smile-Why couldn’t the duck pay for dinner?
Her bill was too big.


 Friday 3rd April 2020

 Firstly apologies to those of you that spotted yesterdays English sheet had a page missing - I have added a correct version at the bottom of the page but it was later on it came to my attention. Joe Wicks can finish is off (literally in my case) for the end of the week with his exercises - they air at 9 but you can watch them at any time on youtube.

Rather excited that JK Rowling has released a Harry Potter at home site not had time to explore it yet so feel free to have a look and tell us what you think - Mrs T will be very impressed.

Maths - I have set a prodigy 50 questions on mean - it works in just the same way but the questions are on a theme and it record how you are doing for me. There is then a sheet on calculating the mean at the bottom of the page. Pick starting point depending on confidence - C is tricky so only try it if you are feeling brave!

History/English research topic - the 2nd World War had 2 endings in Britain and both are celebrated and remembered with VE Day and VJ Day - find out more about both days - what happened for both to end - why did they not end at the same time? Research some of the celebration parties and sketch a picture of what you think it may have looked like. One other thing I want you to look at before we finish the topic - during, and after (my Mum remembers it and she was born in 1948!), the war there was rationing. Find out how much food people were rationed to - see if you have those amounts in your fridge/cupboards and look at just how much people had to live on.

I will set a sumdog competition up to run over Easter - have a rest and I look forward to seeing what you do when we come back on the 15th April. 


Thursday 2nd April 2020

English work from Mrs Spencer Peck for Thursday 2nd April

Hello everyone, I know you have been keeping busy - well done!

Recently, we have studied corn snakes and made an information leaflet about how best to look after them in captivity.  Following on from this, I have sent a comprehension based on the corn snake which I would like you to complete.

Can you research another animal from North America? (not necessarily one that could be a pet).  Try to find out about its habitat, diet and habits.

You might bullet point what you find out, or you could make a leaflet like we did in class.

 I have set a quick 20 question assessment on Sumdog going over the mean work from today.

Mrs Thornley –

Guided Read-Read the next two chapters of your book. Draw a picture of your favourite character, and annotate with characteristics. I'm curious to see if the descriptions you gave me last week, match the picture I painted in my head.

PE-Dance. Think about your favourite band, and their best song. Why do you like it so much? Does it have a good beat? Is it an easy song to sing along to? Watch their music video in You Tube. Does the video reflect the music? Would you have made a different routine?

Joke of the day to make you smile-What is a snake's strongest subject in school?


Wednesday 1st April 2020

Hi for PE have a look at and try one of their activities today. In Maths I have set a Prodigy assessment for today (49 questions) looking at a range of skills – We are then continuing with our data work and looking at finding the mean – just the one sheet (3 sections fitted on one) so again look at the example and practice your skills.

English/History – today I would like you to find out more about the only area of Britain that was under Nazi rule during the 2nd World War. Jersey, Guernsey and the Channel Islands were occupied during the war – find out more about this think about:

What was it like for the islanders?

When did it start?

When did it end?

What different rules did they have to follow? etc.


Then from Mrs T in the afternoon:

RE-Discover the impact.

What do people say in response to the questions, 'Who was/is Jesus?' Would we get a different response from parents, teenagers, a Muslim, a Jew, a person of no faith, a young child? Is He different things to different people depending on age, gender, faith or circumstances?


Choose two people to interview. One can be a family member, and another could be a grandparent, aunty or one of your classmates. You can email or phone them. Try to choose two people of a different age, and gender, and ask them the question, 'Who is Jesus to you?' Record their answers, and comment on any differences you find.



Healthy Eating-Healthy Bodies

Think about the work we did last week on a healthy, balanced diet. This week, we are going to extend that thinking. TASK-Research what job carbohydrates and fats do for the body, is there such a thing as 'good fats?' What did people eat 100 years ago? Was that food healthier than what we eat today? Compare and comment.


Joke of the day to make you smile-Why didn't the lamp sink?

It was too light!

If you fancy a break Rock Kidz are back at 2pm on youtube if you want to have a jump around and joining in with their mad challenges!

Tuesday 31st March 2020

Hi for PE have a look at and try one of their activities today. In Maths I have set a Sumdog 50 question assessment on Line Graphs and then we are on to Line Graphs 3 and 4 at the bottom of the page.

English/History – today I would like you to find out more about spies who were active during World War 2 – one of these was even a double agent. Write about their lives in World War 2:

Eddie Chapman (Agent Zigzag)

Nancy Wake

As extra art/research I would like you to research papers needed at the time and try and forge some false papers for one of the spies.

English work from Mrs Spencer Peck for Tuesday 31st March :-

Hello everyone, as we have just finished reading, The Giant's Necklace,' I would like you to write a diary entry as if YOU are Cherry (we looked at some examples written by last year's Y6).

You could begin to write from the moment Cherry 'woke up' on the beach, or from when she met the miners. If you are feeling creative, you could decorate your page with shells or age the paper using tea bags. About 1 - 2 pages is enough.

I'm also sending a sheet for you to practise the use of 'its' and 'It's.' This sheet is with the Maths files at the bottom of the page.

Monday 30th March

We will start the morning with some Joe Wicks to get our PE done - we are doing it in school and enjoying (staff more than children!) I have set a 50 question challenge on Sumdog relating to our work today on Line Graphs - they can do it before or after the work or look at the examples and then have a go at Sumdog - Line Graphs 1 and 2 are at the bottom of the page - again depending on how confident they feel start on A or B. 

History/English research project - today I want you to find out more about 3 characters from the war and write a biography for each. They are:

Field Marshall Montgomery

David Stirling

Douglas Bader

Think about why they were important in WW2 - what they did etc.

In the afternoon we have this from Mrs Thornley:

Big Maths session. Try to answer these quickly. Next week there will be 10 more but a little harder.

1. What are the next two numbers?

          12 ,  7 ,  2 , ... ,  ...


2. Two factors of 21 add up to 8.  What are they?


3. Multiply 1.08 by 100.


4. Which is the biggest number?

   1.7    0.71    0.17    0.703   1.73 

5. What is one-quarter added to three eighths?


6. Divide 1.7 by one hundred.


7. Round 53.67 to one decimal place.


8.Which of the numbers below are exactly divisible by 3?

102    502   968   646   882


9.Put these in order of size, smallest first.

0.9   85%    ⅘


10. Which fraction is equal to ⅔?

   ⁴⁄₁₄     ⁶⁄₉    ⁵⁄₁₅


Joke of the day to make you smile-Where do cows go on December 31st?

To a Moo Years Eve party!

We usually have French in the afternoon - the BBC revise wise site has some good clips that could be useful in keep up their skills.


I have set a sumdog competition for the weekend (it is live now and will finish Monday morning). It is not compulsory but I will have a look for a prize in school for the winner and endeavour to get it posted out. Well done to the top 3 today on Prodigy - Isobel H, Sofiya C and Alfie L. I hope the activities have gone ok this week and they have enjoyed finding out more about World War 2. I will keep adding the Maths work we would have done - please don't feel like you have to complete the whole sheet - normally in class the children will complete 1-2 sections maximum but I am trying to cater for a range of Maths skills. Hope the weekend goes well. Best wishes Mr M.

Friday 27th March

We will start the morning with Joe Wicks again to get our energy levels up – you obviously don’t have to do it live as it is available on youtube throughout the day.

Maths – well done to Evie, Harley, Isobel H, Jacob L, Isobelle VJ, Alfie L, Jacob H and Louis who smashed the Sumdog challenge on Wednesday. I have set up some work on for today. After we are continuing to look at conversion graphs – at the bottom of the page are conversion 3 and conversion 4 files.

History/English research topic – thanks to Jacob H who has spotted this link: a history lesson from a World War 2 bunker. Questions to research today are:

  1. One important point in the war for Britain was the Battle of Britain in the skies – find out more about this and some of the people (pilots) involved.
  2. Hitler had firm plans to invade Britain – there was even a date set and codename for it – try and find out more about their plans and why they changed.
  3. After the Battle of Britain the pilots became known as ‘the few’ based on a speech from Winston Churchill – try and do a sketch of Churchill and include some lines from this speech on it – don’t forget to either tweet it to us @6Ringley so we can all see – or email any examples to – Mrs T is keeping me up to date with your messages and work whilst I’m working in school.

In the afternoon KeySports have put on some videos this week to encourage our PE – you can find them here - pick some that you fancy doing – again you can send us some pictures of you in action and we will share them with Mr Fenton.

We also have Rock Kidz live on youtube at 2pm.

Hope you have a restful and safe weekend. I also hope these tasks have worked ok?  It does look like we are facing a long closure so will keep the page updated daily – don’t feel you have to do all tasks and please explore other sites and activities if you want to.

Thursday 26th March

On Thursday Mrs Spencer-Peck and Mrs Thornley take the class so they are taking on the activities today. I still recommend starting with some PE each day at 9am and Joe Wicks is offering daily keep fit sessions on his youtube channel - we are doing them with the children in school (it is getting me fit at least!). If that is too early, or you fancy a playtime Mr Fenton our PE teacher is uploading some PE games to be done in the garden or back yard from 10am - I believe they will be here: if not their twitter feed will take you to them. Don't forget Rock Kidz on youtube at 2pm. I have set a sumdog competition again on graphs and co-ordinates this time.

Mrs Spencer Peck has set 2 English tasks for the morning - they are at the very bottom of this class closure page in a grey download box, under the subheading 'GSP. Work'.

In the afternoon we have this from Mrs Thornley:

Ok, so Thursday would be guided read and PE-dance. 
Guided Read
Read 2 chapters of a new book. This book you read will be the book we use for any further school closure guided read activities. Remember-I may not have read this book, so this is a good way for you to share it with me.
Tell me the title and author of your chosen book. Think about the characters you have met so far. Give me a brief description of the characters, so that I can paint a picture of them in my head.
We have been working on a group dance routine for the Michael Jackson track-Thriller. Unfortunately at this time we cannot continue working in groups. Over the coming weeks, think about the work you did in your group. Could you incorporate these moves into a solo piece? What would you change? You are now in complete creative control, so this is your chance to put all YOUR moves in. Feel free to include family members-it may be a chance to get mum and dad acting like a zombie! Remember-dance is about your interpretation, so whatever you create will be perfect!
Have fun- I look forward to seeing pictures and maybe video clips! Send them to or you can tweet them to @6Ringley
Joke of the day to make you smile- What is the difference between a guitar and a fish?
You can tune a guitar, but you can't tunafish!
Love Mrs. T

Wednesday 25th March

We will be starting with some PE each day at 9am and Joe Wicks is offering daily keep fit sessions on his youtube channel - I would strongly recommend completing these daily. If that is too early, or you fancy a playtime Mr Fenton our PE teacher is uploading some PE games to be done in the garden or back yard from 10am - I believe they will be here: if not their twitter feed will take you to them. Don't forget Rock Kidz on youtube at 2pm - we even got a shout out yesterday!

Maths - I have set the children number challenge on . We are then looking at using graphs to convert data - they are attached as files at the bottom of the page - conversions and conversions 2 - again go through the example and children pick starting point based on confidence with it.

History/English look/listen to clips on bbc about evacuation and war  speeches - write 2 diary entries for an evacuee - they can be happy or sad in their new environment but think about how they feel and listen to some of the speeches from the leaders - write their own speech designed to inspire the people - they can even record themselves delivering it. To help with research we have access to Britannica Encyclopedia online - password id Bolton1920

Art - look at some of the propaganda posters of the time (dig for victory, carless talk cost lives etc) design a poster of your own.

Mrs T's work from yesterday was meant to be for this afternoon - so have a look over that if you didn't get chance yesterday.



Tuesday 24th March

Day 2. 

We will be starting with some PE each day at 9am and Joe Wicks is offering daily keep fit sessions on his youtube channel - I would strongly recommend completing these daily. If that is too early, or you fancy a playtime Mr Fenton our PE teacher is uploading some PE games to be done in the garden or back yard from 10am - I believe they will be here: if not their twitter feed will take you to them.

Maths - I have set the children fraction competition on . We are then looking at Pie Charts 2 - again look at the example with the children and then they will pick their starting point based on understanding. The files are listed at the bottom of this page - (Pie Charts 3 and Pie Charts 4). Well done yesterday 22/29 of you completed the task set.


English we will be doing some more work on our project based on World War 2. They will need to research some questions each day and write responses to them in an extended piece of writing:

  1. What was the blitz and what impact did it have on Manchester and the local area.
  2. Some British islands were occupied by the Nazis in the war - what can they find out about this?
  3. Early in the war we had to rescue our troops from Dunkirk - lots of ordinary people helped out - find some stories about this.

To help with research we have access to Britannica Encyclopedia online -
ID: Bolton1920

Art - the blitz was a frightening time - can you do a picture of fire - then if you have black paper you can cut out shapes of some ruined buildings, planes etc in silhouette . Again I would love to see them (you can tweet them to us if you would like) - we have set up a class twitter page: @6Ringley 

Matt Goodfellow is currently reading daily poems on twitter - please look at todays and tell us what you think.

In the afternoon Rock Kidz are doing some daily updates at 2pm: these will cover PSHE and a bit more PE. 

We also like a bit of story time in Year 6 so we have 2 choices - Tom Palmer (we recently read his DDay Dog) is doing daily reads of his books on twitter and RJ Palacio is going to add daily readings of her brilliant book Wonder on twitter: 


In the afternoon Mrs T has set: 

Unit 6.4 Who was Jesus? Who is Jesus?
Explore the text.
Lord, Saviour, Brother, Healer, Servant, Leader, Teacher, Rebel, Master and Son of God.
How could Jesus be all these things? Write one sentence explaining how Jesus can be all of the above.
What is Jesus' most important title? Record-I think......because.....
Making A Meal Of It 7 CRUCIAL CREW
To understand more fully why it is important to have a balanced diet and to eat healthy foods by examining​
what is eaten over a period of several days.
How can we eat healthily?
Eating low-fat or non-fat dairy products.
Eating skinless chicken and turkey.
Cutting off the fat on meat.
Eating whole grain breads and cereals.​
Reduce the amount of sugary, sweetened, fizzy drinks and the amount of salt we take in.
Ensure we hit or 5 a day target of fruit or vegetables.
• Work out a healthy meal plan over one week. 

Joke of the day to make you smile-Why do we never tell jokes about pizza?
They’re too cheesy.


Monday 23/3/20

English is a little trickier as we have been focusing on Reading paper revision - but there seems little point in continuing with that. For this week I want the children to do some cross curricular work with a project based on World War 2. They will need to research some questions each day and write responses to them in an extended piece of writing:

  1. Why did World War 2 start?
  2. Which countries were involved and who were their leaders?
  3. Why was the war known as the phoney war early on?
  4. When was rationing introduced? What did it involve? How did it work?

Art - find an aeroplane that was used during World War 2 - sketch a picture of it and some facts to your picture. We have some good artists in Class 6 so I look forward to seeing their pictures (you can tweet them to us if you would like) - we have set up a class twitter page: @6Ringley 

Matt Goodfellow is currently reading daily poems on twitter - please look at todays and tell us what you think.

In the afternoon Rock Kidz are doing some daily updates at 2pm: these will cover PSHE and a bit more PE. 

We also like a bit of story time in Year 6 so we have 2 choices - Tom Palmer (we recently read his DDay Dog) is doing daily reads of his books on twitter and RJ Palacio is going to add daily readings of her brilliant book Wonder on twitter: 


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GSP Work

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Showing 1-2 of 2
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Tuesday 31st March Files

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1st April

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April 2nd

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April 3rd

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Weds 15th April

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16th April - Mrs Spencer-Peck

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April 17th

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April 20th

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April 21st

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April 22nd

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April 23rd

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April 24th

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